Banjo and Starbuck


Denver, Colorado

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
My name's O'Ryan and I'm a corgi nut! Until recently I worked at a dog boutique, but I Ieft to pursue a career in the arts, and to spend quality rime with my husband and our furkids. Banjo and Starbuck are my pride and joy.
About My Corgi(s):
Banjo is a petite red-headed tri-color. She came to work with me for for the first years of her life, so she''s a pretty social girl. She loves to swim, "play" with our cat, take long walks around town. This little girl gets lots of attention! She's loved by her mom and dad and makes friends wherever she goes.
Starbuck is our new addition! She's natural comic relief. She likes playing with Banjo, playing with the kitty, pretty much any kind of playing. She keeps Banjo smiling. We love having another corgi around!

Comment Wall:

  • Kristen

    Banjo and family. Welcome. Banjo looks very similar to my little rescue Fern. She is also petite...only about 17 1lbs. Your little girl is lovely.
  • Kristen

    They think they are underfed and the levels of attention they deserve are not being met, but they are indeed spoiled even if they don't think so! They are loved. Can't imagine life without them!
  • Tammey & Caven

    Hello and welcome to you and Banjo. What a cutie!
  • Mandy

    Thanks. Usually people ask what his name is (obviously expecting a common dog name) and look confused when I say "Zod". I always get asked to spell it and then how I came up with it. Every once in a while someone actually knows who Zod is, and those moments are always a lot of fun!
  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Banjo and family!
  • Kim Sinclair

    Banjo looks so adorable! I love her facial expression!!!
  • Furpants McGee

    hooray for june brides!! :) banjo is a cutie!!!
  • Kristi

    Hi Banjo is a pretty girl herself. You have the Corgi Smile that we all love. Hope to get to know you better through this site...can't have enough cool corgi friends. Congratulations on your wedding :)
  • Carlee

    Thank you! Banjo is adorable as well! I read that you said she is petite, how precious! Is she much smaller than regular Pembies? Is there a noticable weight difference?
  • Gizmo

    Hello Cutie Banjo!
  • Carlee

    That's so awesome! Hey, go short skinny people! I am too! "Vertically Challenged" I've been called, lol! That's really cool though, she's super cute and that really just adds to it I think!
  • Steve

    Banjo is a cutie! Love the picture where she has one ear down. How lucky that you can be with Banjo all the time by taking her to work. I wish I can do that but I work in an anti-static clean room (electronic industry).
  • jolanda

    Thank you! Your Corgi is adorable too. In Holland Corgi's are axually quite rare. All other English dog races are very populair, like russels, westleys, beagles etc. Fred has never met a "soulmate" in Holland, so the next vacation has to be in the UK.
  • Steve

    Yes, the boys are related. They're only 3months apart but Steve is actually Turtle's uncle. What seemed like fighting at first is actually they're version of playing and boy do they love to play. You mention Banjo likes to take long walks. How long? Steve wants to lay down in the shade or on someone's lawn after 20minutes. It's OK for now since Turtle is still getting used to going for walks, but I'd like to be able to go longer someday....
  • Blithe

    Banjo is soooo cute and I'm so taken by the name. It's been on my name list for both my children and my dogs- so glad you're out there Banjo!
  • Katelyn

    LOVE the name of your dog! I used to have a jack russel named Banjo. Cute corgi!
  • WhiteDove

    Hello. . . .Banjo is the cutest little thing. . .my Corgis always bring smiles to people too. . .we have a variety of nationalities around Los Angeles and you'd be surprised how many times I've been stopped in the street and asked in so many words what kind of dogs are they?. . .they are soooooo cute. . . .I guess they are universal dogs. . . .LOL. . .Corgis Rule!!!
  • LeAnne

    Thank you! Banjo is adorable! What a cutie!
    You are right about our corgis and their personalities. My husband and I talk about that a lot.
    Bella is the princess or "she who must be obeyed."
    Bodde is the bruiser and bully. (he gets along with NO boys.)But he is also our "medicine dog" because he always knows when you are feeling bad and comes to be with you.
    Bacio is our long legged red headed tri. His name means kiss in Italian and he's our licker boy. (the name came before the behavior).
    Bedde is the sweetest girl ever born. She's shy but a clown and loves the boss the rest of the dogs except the princess.
    Breckin is our snugglebug. He just thinks he's a lapdog and his one desire in life is to sit in someone's lap.
    Blizzard is our BIG boy. He is a large corgi, about 33 lbs. He's the calmest dog of our pack and I am trying to get going toward getting him certified as a therapy dog.
    Breckin and Blizzard are the biggest buddies of the whole group.
  • Furpants McGee

    She's finally here!! We're official corgi owners now!!
  • Alina

    Banjo looks like a terrific meet and greeter -- I know I wouldn't be able to stop playing with her!

    If you ever have questions about the Colorado Corgi rescuers, please feel free to ask me. We were able to pick Ronan up in Englewood which would be convenient for you since you're in Denver. They do a lot for the corgis and simply ask for a donation in return. Eventually we'd love to get another little one from them :)
  • Missi

    Could be Petsmart - seems like we're always there between training and other things! :o)
  • Elys

    OK. Not to sound cliche, but get outta town (in a good way)! Your dog is adorable! My fave pic is #4--the one with her looking up at you from the yellow bowl. So damn cute. In one of her pics, she almost looks like a Basenji--very intelligent face. Has she always like water? We haven't had ours too long to make that determination with our litle Camber. Maybe this weekend we'll take her to the beach.
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    I cant wait til your online store is up and running, looking at your website looks like you have some really cool stuff!
  • Celeste Militzer

    Banjo is really cute. I need to buy a slide like that for my puppies. I have the swimming pool with a slide which they love but I think they'd love one like Banjo is on in the picture. I guess I need to go to some garage sales.
  • Ju Lo

    Ack! Sorry I missed your comment, I haven't been on my page forever. Thanks!!! I'm glad other people enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy writing it. Banjo is precious! :)
  • Shepdog

    Shop dog stories? Oh, you bet! :D The things shop dogs have to put up with day in and day out makes them a whole class of dogs on their own, doesn't it? :) Then again, ooch, shop owners are a whole class of their own as well.

    Hey, you're not going to Superzoo, are you?

    PS: Love Denver, my family lives out in Centennial aka Littleton. *grin*
  • Mei-ling-chan

    Yay! You get the reference ;D
    (it tooks us so long to decide on the name, but we think it fits well too.) Banjo is a cutie- she must be great to have around at work!
  • Rabbit

    Yay! You are the first person to agree. (But you know I'm just going to end up calling her Bunbun anyway!)
  • Alla

    Yes, I guessed where name Starbuck is coming from, but I called her "him" in my first posting. Sorry for my mistake! It's "her" as her beautiful sci-fi "prototype." Congrats on a little girl Starbuck! :)
  • Carmen

    Starbuck is adorable! I used to live in Wyoming and I know a corgi breeder in Laramie. Where did you get her?
  • Karen & Bailey

    thanks! he is a happy lil man,.

    i love that name, Starbuck. =P bailey is sable too, with a lighter mask. =P theyre so cute with that mask though. =D cant wait to see pictures of him growing up.
  • Jenni & Dave Fields

    Your babies are beautiful!!!!
  • Vacationholic

    Hello I'm in CA but I saw your store website and just want to say good job. I love that you have a patio for hangout!
  • Furpants McGee

    Aw, look at your new baby love!! CUTIE!!!
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    I sold a puppy from my last litter to someone in Des Moines, WA that looks similar to your pup. I'm also getting another female from a show breeder in CO. I should have her w/in the next 2 weeks. I'm very excited. Love the T-shirt on your dog. hehe
  • Chantel & Princess Bella

    Yay Corgis!! Hehe
    Im also a corgi nut...trying to convince my boyfriend to get another corgi.
    I want a whole bunch...hehe...yeah im that crazy :-)