Jeremiah and Rhys "Mr. May"

47, Male

University City, CA

United States

Profile Information:

San Antonio, TX
About Me:
I am living out in sunny San Diego, but miss Texas. I love spending time with friends, Corgi things, almost anything outdoors, marathons, and Ultramarathons. I am currently working towards my degree in Archaeology/Cultural Resource Management.
About My Corgi(s):
Well Rhys is just over a year old and is still very much a puppy. He is one of the sweetest furry friends you will ever meet. He loves to play with his other corgi friends in San Diego.

Comment Wall:

  • Sam Tsang

    Hey Jeremiah! Welcome to :) do you run with Rhys? how far of a distance can he handle?
  • Mandy

    Hello!! Jeremiah
  • Robert

    Hey Jeremiah, Thanks for the friend request. Rhys looks like a great dog.
  • Cindi

    Hi Jeremiah! Rhys is a cutie-pie!
  • Mary Phoenix

    Hello Jeremiah. Rhys is quite the handsome corgi :-) I am partial to tri-color corgis. Thanks for the friend request.
  • Florence Fong

    Hi Jeremiah,
    Your Rhys is such a handsome Corgi. It's rare to see a tri-coloured Corgi. My Ritz is a red/white and like Rhys is over a year old too. By the way, the picture on the let is not Ritz. On weekends (evenings), I love to take Ritz on walks that last over an hour.
  • Kellee

    Thanks for the add, Rhys is too cute!
  • Silvia Li

    Hi Jeremiah! first off, welcome aboard! and thanks for the friend request! Your little Rhys is like a calendar corgi! very handsome!
  • wasabi

    Hi guys! Nice to see you guys here : )
  • Cheri

    Aha! I see we have similar interests! I too am a runner. I just got home from my regular Thursday night trail run. I'm currently training for the Psycho Wyco trail run in February. It has an ultra distance but I'm only doing 20 miles.

    My boy Dudley just turned one this past Tuesday. He's quite the handful. I'm training him for agility, herding and soon I'm going to start him back at tracking. I also studied Archaeology when I was in college (back when dinosaurs roamed the earth-how convenient is that?!) but ended up getting a degree in Computer Science.
  • Monica

    why are you sad?
    do explain...
  • Cheri

    Yeah, Psycho Wyco is way fun. I did it 2 years ago. I was a new trail runner then and I didn't enjoy it. It was much more extreme than I expected. But now I run out at Wyco all the time (just last night did 3 miles out there in the dark) so I expect I'll have a different attitude about it. I just did their Veteren's Day race out there on Sunday. There's part of the trail where you have to be part billy goat to get up. You're actually using hands and feet to climb up. And people think Kansas is flat...

  • Cheri

    how did you embed that video? I tried to put in a picture but couldn't figure out how to do it. that's a really tame part of the trail. one of the few sections with a little relief.
  • Cheri

    Yeah, I'll do fine with Psycho Wyco. I've been strength training for several months and the hills are already getting easier. I have a friend who just did her first 50 miler a few weeks ago. she's going to concentrate on 50 mile races in 2008 with her goal being her first 100 miler in 2009. I'm training to be her pacer so when it's all said and done I guess I'm going to be an ultra runner too as my goal is to be able to run 30-40 miles comfortably.
  • Peanut and sarah

    Peanut's crate is Rhy's crate, anytime!
  • Chelsea Luce

    Thanks for the friend request! Happy Thanksgiving.
  • Heather

    Rhys reminds me of my Yogi Bear. Loved the birthday cake!
  • WhiteDove

    RHYS. . .very cute corgi. . .how did you come up with his name?
  • WhiteDove

    took courses at Scripts Institute in Marine Biology years back. . .loved the area. . .I stayed in La Jolla. . .It was a special time when things were a little more should I say quiet. . .life seems to get a bit noisy now and then. . .I'm a rather new corgi owner just over a year now. . .I just love them and they are such a joy in my life. . . .
  • Monica

    I miss them to death! But, atleast I can smile knowing they are in the best home possible it not with me. I would not have enough sufficient time to spend with them right now b/c of school anyway... and, that would kill me as well! Soon enough though, I'll have a lil humanoid again! hehe... there;s nothing like them! :)
  • Lauren (Duke and Daisy's momma)

    Yaay, good to see a fellow Texan. We get Duke out on my husband's parents ranch in Brenham and he loves to run. He chased some wild turkeys this past weekend during Thanksgiving. He gave them quite a scare. hehe..
    Rhys is a great name. He is adorable!
  • Cheri

    The training is going well. It's a mental game to get myself out running right now. I did a 6 mile run Saturday morning at 6am. It was 30 degrees and raining. Good practice for Psycho Wyco. Today I need to do 60 minutes on the trails. That'll be a challenge in several ways. First, to find a trail where they're not allowing hunting right now. The deer population has started to be a problem so they're allowing urban hunting right now. Then it's also going to be cold and sloppy. Fun stuff.
  • Nicole

    What a beautiful dog Rhys is! If you two are ever in the area you should let me know, Gonzo has never met another Corgi since we took him home.
    I grew up in New Hampshire and moved to Texas, so we're about the opposite!
  • Kellee

    Congrats on Mr. May calendar boy!
  • Mary Phoenix

    A big congratulations to Mr. May! This is one of my faves! It reminds me of my Koby when she was a pup :-)
  • Cheri

    Psycho Wyco was a total HOOT! The conditions were less than ideal, just like normal. It was around 30 degrees at the start of the race so the trail was slightly crusted over for the first loop. But after 300 people had run on it and the temperature had warmed up to a balmy 45, the trail turned in to a mud pit! I managed to make it 18 miles without a real fall and then a little hill did me in and slid all the way down in on my backside! I laughed so hard I thought my side would split. I had a blast!
    Loop 1:

    Loop 2:

    I'm done:

    And the kids were there!
  • Cheri

    That's a great time for a marathon when you're sick. I did a marathon with bronchitis once and I think my time was about the same. It's hard to keep going when you're sick.
  • Cubbie

    Hello Rhys, What a handsome tricolor corgi you are! You don't see too many tricolor's around, I wish you lived closer to the Bay Area so Cubbie and Rhys could meet. But I have to ask, a cardigan sweater for a pembroke? ;-) Too cute.
  • Gilbert Stone

    We are so sorry we missed you yesterday. We showed up 15min after you left. One of the owners recognized stein's name and told us you were there. We are so sorry, let us know when you want to meet up again on a weekend and we'll be there... on time ^_^.
  • Florence

    Rhys is so cute !
    I like black head Pems.
  • scotthoutx

    Hello from Carson & Logan
  • Keahi and Kai

    rhys looks like a perfect candidate for our new group Masked Corgis!! help us start the masked revolution!
  • Joanna Hubbard

    Such a cute Corgi! Mine is just coming up on one year and she can't quite decide if she is a puppy or an adult yet :)
  • Trenton and Denise

    Happy Birthday from NorCal
  • bill and maggie mae

  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Corgibyassociation

    Happy Birthday!
  • Deanna

  • Sam Tsang

    Happy Birthday!