

loong island new york

United States

Profile Information:

long island
About Me:
i have two Pembroke welsh corgis who had two beautiful babies!!
About My Corgi(s):
one is a male and the other is a little girl and just had two baby girls! The males name is Corkie and the female is Jaybe. Jaybe's two babies are Daisy and Lilly

Comment Wall:

  • Lil' Guinness

    Hey Erica!
    You will have so much fun on this website! Have fun!!!!!! : )
  • Sybil

    you guys are too cute!
  • Shippo & Koga Corgis

    Shippo is a "Fluffy" Pembroke Welsh Corgi. He's absolutely purebred. Check this link out for more info:
  • Mim

    It's probably best to speak to your vet about it but I recommend this forum (it's Australian but anybody can join for free) for help. There are breeders on there and people who are experienced with breeding dogs and can help you through it. Just stress that it was an accident and not on purpose as some people can get a bit rowdy.

    There's also a thread for all the corgi people where we share photos and stories :)
  • Mariana

    Your dogs are so cute. Is Jaybe pregnant from Corkie? If so, that's going to be a beautiful litter.
  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Erica, Jabe and Corkie!
  • Jenni & Dave Fields

    Welcome Erica, Jabe and Corkie! They are adorable! Congratulations on the upcoming litter.
  • Alfredo

    We only had 1 litter. that was the 1st time we expierence'd it. Even though our expierence is with only that 1 time Ill be happy to answer any questions.
  • Cagney & Lacey & Chapin

    I am amazed by how similar your two are to our two. Aren't they the best??!!!!!!!!!!
  • Juel

    welcome! congrats on your up coming litter. you'll have to forgive the amount of passion that some people have hear. they really are nice!
  • Maggie May

    Hi Erica,
    Yes,she sure is fluffy!..or was. She seems to be getting her adult fur along her back and so we're waiting to see how she turns out when full grown. When she was 2 1/2 months old, she was so fluffy that I googled 'fluffy corgi' and found out that there is a variety called fluffys. There's also a group here for fluffys. Both Maggie's parents are regular coated corgis, so who knows?

    Your two are adorable!
  • Gail's Lil' Gizmo

    Thanks for visiting our site!! My husband is from Long Island. But we have been in Florida for 30 + years. Jaybe and Corkie are beautiful tri's. They are the happiest dogs I have ever seen.. It is crazy how their traits follow through in the breed.. there is nothing that can cheer you up like a corgi running around smiling!!

    They have cute babies!
  • Peanut and sarah

    your corgi's look like they have a lot of personality! they take wonderful pictures!
  • Florence

    Hi Erica, SORRY to be soooo late to answer you, and thank you very much to add us like your friends !
    I hope all your little Corgi family is fine ?
    Will you keep the babies, or are looking for good families for them ?

    Have a good day or night, not sure of your time !
    From your friends Florence, Nana, and Uyanga, in Japan.
  • Katie

    Jaybe looks like a really good Mom!
  • Gail's Lil' Gizmo

    Erica: your babies are just beautiful!! are you going to keep any of them? they are so cute when they are puppies - it is hard not to.. and they seem to stay cute.. they are unique in that way. thanks for your comments.. best of luck and happy new year!!
  • JW

    Hi Erica! I am very excited to see that you kept the puppies' tails! They are so adorable!
  • Penny <3

    The puppies are so adorable!!