Jayne Wagner


Highland Park IL

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
Can't believe how much I love my corgis and rescue lab
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Toddy is a healthy and relatively active 14 yr old. His corgi "brother" Pongo is 5. We found Pongo through my corgi.com, as he is the offspring of Henry and Maisey. They both split their time between Chicago - where they work at my husband's vet clinic, and Michigan - where they work as greeters at our small winery. They also have a 13 year old Labrador rescue sister Kia.
I have:

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  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Jess

    Hi Jayne! Glad our Corgis have something in common (no doubt it's food). Toddy is adorable--him and Emi look quite alike!
  • Mara

    Toddy is beautiful. My mom has a chocolate lab that my corgi just loves to play with. How great to have a dad as a vet.
  • Jack, the Pumpkin King

    Toddy is adorable! What a gorgeous guy! When we rescued Jack, that was the name the shelter had for him. We kept it and added "the pumpkin king", because he's big and orange and one of my favorite movies is Nightmare Before Christmas. Thanks for the request!
  • alli

    wow that would be funny but i dont it my boy aint no pedigree but he is the love of my life thanks for the warm welcome..toddy looks fabulous
  • Gail L

    Thank you for the friend request and the nice comments. Your Toddy is a very handsome boy. Hope you have nice weather for your trip to Ventura.....Gail
  • Summer, Mindy, and Milo

    Toddy is so cute, as well as the other dogs in the pictures. I love the puppy pictures. :) Thanks for making Mindy your friend!
  • Brent & Mona's Bunny Butts!

    Oh so cute! I am addicted to corgis!!! :-)
  • Brent & Mona's Bunny Butts!

    Thank you!
  • Nancy

    Hi Jayne! I will keep you posted when the pups arrive! You can see more pictures of our farm and the corgis at www.laughinplacestables.com and go to the LPS corgis page.
    Nancy, Henry and Maisey!
  • Roly Wright

    Hi Jayne, found your site by Googling Corgi+swimming. My Sparky LOVES the sea. I have to call him out! Why do corgis swim with their butt higher than their head? A mate suggested they are worried the seal at the rear may not be watertight.
  • Libby and Dyddy!!

    Hello new friend! Your little one is super cute!
  • William (Willy)

    Hi Jayne and Toddy! Thanks for being my first friend :) I wish we lived closer so that we could play. I looked at your pics and was going to write that your vet is very handsome, and then realized that he is your hubbie! ha.
  • Nancy

    Hi Jayne,
    Henry and Maisey are the proud parents of 3 pups! 2 males and 1 female! Let me know when you are in the area. You can stop by any time! They are adorable!
  • Nancy

    Hi Jayne! The vet has recommended that I keep her pretty quiet and alone since it's her first litter. How about next weekend? And by the way...your photos are adorable!!
  • Nancy

    Thanks Jayne. Have a great Easter weekend and keep in touch! Maisey is doing quite well and

    Henry is very proud!
  • Bev Levy

    Yes it is Sparty and Izzy for MSU. It is a big weekend for us with the Final Four! We are big Spartan fans but I must admit my husband named them. The one I named was Buffy.
  • Bev Levy

    Thanks! We have a full house with 2 cats and 3 dogs. The one with long legs takes up a lot of space! But she is a real lap dog.
  • cecelia brandsma

    You do not live to far from me. I love corgi's. I have a puppy that was sold to a nice lady in chicago on mile from Childrens Hospital. They love her.
    I love your pictures. I have a couple of friends that show pems and raise them.
  • Alice

    Thanks for the friend invite. I love Toddy's baby pictures. So cute!
  • Sharon Hershock

    Thanks for the welcome. Toddy is very handsome. I loved looking at all his pictures. I'm new to this but I will soon post some pictures of Charlies and Maggie.
  • Ramute

    what the stars, magic dogs:-)
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hi! Hows your back doing? Hope your feeling better.
  • Cathi

    Hi Jayne,
    Thanks for asking about Bunny's ACL. I'm not noticing a difference in how she uses either rear leg when she runs, walks, etc. now. Not that that means everything is completely healed yet. We're still doing the 'no jumping' lifestyle and as much as possible I help her in and out of the car, on and off the bed, etc. She's still getting used to the ramps.
    In early May I'm taking her back to the same vet to have him check it out and check her weight loss. We're back to taking walks everyday for about 1/2 hour or so, and sometimes two a day with one a bit shorter.

    Are those baby corgis in the picture below? So cute!!!
    How are things with you, Toddy, and family?
    Nice to hear from you,
  • Tina and Cooper

    Thanks Jayne for your comment on Cooper,,,Yes he dose fish like a bear,,only catches crawdads though,,fish are to fast for him now,,,lol when he dose get something ,he releases it just as fast lol :o)
  • Lauren Wise

    Thank you so much - what a great site with such friendly people. These dogs are infectious (in a good way!) Once you meet one, you have to have one - then someone meets yours, and they get one, and so on, and so on.... Little dog with a big personality
  • Cindi & Twinkie

    Jayne, Thanks for your comment about our Twinkie. We are just floored by this huge community. Yea corgis!
  • Kendal & Bleu (Chris & Randy)

    Love your pictures, what a handsome Corgi, Thanks for the welcome comment! - Kendal (Chris & Randy)
  • Sharon Hershock

    Enjoyed your pictures. Especially cute, Toddy and Sienna sleeping together. Aren't corgis great!!!
  • Alyssa & Chris W.

    Thanks for the add! :o) Toddy is gorgeous. I liked looking at the pictures and I had to laugh at the one where he looks ferocious. I'm sure he wouldn't hurt a fly.
  • Nancy

    Just let me know when you will be in! Hope all is well,
  • sunny yoo

    ha ha,, Toddy looks very handsome and nice.
  • Carol & Ein & Widget

    wow Toddy & Ein could be siblings lol
  • Rosanne Carbajal

    Hello, and thanks for the freind request. Toddy is beautiful, and looks great for his age. Isnt it great how corgis keep their puppy look.
    I will have to work on my page adding more picture.
    Take Care,
  • Nancy

    call me should be fine at 4 ish? 574 850-0319
  • Nancy

    directions on our web-site www.laughinplacestables.com
  • Nancy

    Hi Jayne, nice meeting you yesterday! See you Sunday!
  • Nancy

    Toddy really resembles Henry...just a bit larger!
  • Serene & Hoagie

    Thank you for the warm welcome :) Toddy is sooo cute!! BTW, I can totally relate to your "about me" section. Hoagie is my first corgi and I've only had him for a couple of months but I already can't imagine life without him!!
  • Momo

    Hello Jayne Wagner, Thank you for your comment. I'm out of States and I'm staying South Korea now. Well I think the vets in this country are not familiar with the corgis yet. I also e-mailed to the Momo's vet in OR who has corgi too. She also said the same thing you told me. Yes. I can feel Momo's ribs and he's still active. Well I feel better now. Thank you & Have a nice day :)
  • Becky Shapiro

    Thanks for the welcome!
  • Kristin, Honey, and Hooch

    Hi there! Thank you for the nice comments and friend add! What a beautiful and well-loved looking guy your Toddy is! He's very handsome and looks like he he has a wonderful, fun life. :)
  • Drew Miller

    Thank you for the hello! Willy has tipped the scales at 42 lb. now, but I must admit that I wish I were in as good a shape as he! My roommate has suggested we teach the all the bigger corgis a sport so they can be the NFL or NBA of the corgi world :)
  • Janett

    tyvm for welcome ;-)

    Guben is in Germany ... nearly Berlin
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Congratulations on your new addition what is his/her name?
  • Nancy

    Congrats again and enjoy your new addition! Pictures are adorable! Remember to let your friends know we have 1 female available from this litter! Thanks again!
  • Nancy

    Thanks for the up-dates Jayne! So happy little Pongo is doing well. He comes from very special parents! Thanks for the comments on placing little Lilly as well. Need to find her a home quickly, for we are getting very attached! Let me know when you can stop by, we look forward to it!
  • Dolly Waggoner

    Thank you. I was glad to find this site online. Your new addition is just lovely!
  • Cathi

    Cutie pie puppy!!!! Congrats
  • Nancy

    Awww, can't wait to see him! Please keep posting photos and I am so happy for Pongo to have you two for his parents! And of course Toddy for a big brother!