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Welsh Corgi Breeder?
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  • Gus's Dad

    Thanks. I'm glad you liked Gus.

    That Wilf's something else too. I love the expression on hos face in that last picture.
  • Corgiduet

    Thanks for the compliments on my pics. Jack is our very first cardi. Only wish I had done it sooner. Wilf is absolutely adorable! Love the sleeping poses. :)
  • Spartan

    Thanks for the addWILF is gorgous
  • Susan

    I posted pictures of Annie and am now checking out Wilf -- he is a very handsome boy indeed!
  • Tonya

    Thank you for the welcome! Aw your pup is adorable!
  • Molly

    Thanks for the great welcome! Wilf is a great name and adorable!
  • Susan

    Thank you...they would make the most adorable couple. I love Wilf's snow white face!
  • Denise Hawkins

    I think Welsh Corgi (brit based) are rare here! lol
  • Shirley Korrnegay

    Lorraine, I enjoyed reading your blog and wanted to let you know, that we too, my husband and I have covered most of the states in our Country Coach motorhome, traveling with an active Corgi. He too, was apprehensive about the entire thing, moving,where is my bed, where is water dish.....everything at first!
    So hs first trips were short ones until he obtained his equilibrium, and learned to walk on his "sea legs". I made him a bed in the galley sink, where he fit very snug, but he felt safe there and when we stopped he could jump out of his bed,onto the sofa and down on the floor. As he grew larger and got used to the motor home we made him a cozy bed on the sofa. It seemed to solve HIS problem, but did get the idea that the sofa was all his. He soon learned to "share". Wilf is down around your husbands feet because it is where it's warm down there and he feels more secure, try to make him a cuddly "nest" in-between your husbands seat and yours. That way you can reach down and pet him several times and it won't take long before he will enjoy traveling with you. Let me know how he does, ok? It was nice hearing from you. (I have a Dell lap-top, but it's at the "Dr's" right now, getting it's insides adjusted)
    You know how that goes!! Hope to hear from you again.... Shirley (corgiluvr)
  • Rockstar

    Thanks for the nice welcome!
  • Bella Doggie

    Thanks for the welcoming, its so nice to meet other corgi lovers!! Your little guy is very handsome :)
  • Brent & Mona's Bunny Butts!

    It's crazy sometimes! But wouldn't trade it for anything. We love our muffin butt's
  • Megan

    Thanks for the welcome! Glad to have someone with ties to the military.
  • Maeve

    Thank you for the welcome message. Glad to be a part of MyCorgi. Wilf is a very handsome gentleman, by the way. LOVE the tail. :)
  • Marti & Toki

    Thanks for the welcome! Lord Wilfington is one of the prettiest cardigans I've seen! I love his coloring!
  • Rudy (Rudolph Valentino Harper)

    Wilf is very handsome. Rudy also can be a little bossy and sometimes grumpy if he is too tired. But he is our "little man" and we include him in
    everything we do.
  • Cathy Toot

    Thank you for the welcome. I just love Lord Wilfington. He is so striking. Such a handsome fella.
  • Mountaingrrrl

    Thank you for the great comment! This picture was taken about two years ago when a pet photography place came to my vet's office! They had this huge trailer and the air conditioner broke (it was the middle of summer!) so that's why Cowboy is panting in the picture! He has grayed significantly over the past couple of years, but I think that just adds to his character. :) How old is Wilf? Cowboy has been tripping on his own feet for the past 4-5 years and we couldn't figure out why. He will be running along and just trip! We know that he has trouble seeing when it's dark, but this seems to happen in broad daylight so we know that light isn't the factor with this problem. Hopefully someone has some good advice on this!
  • Joanna, Rainy and Calvin

    What a handsome boy you have there! I love his coloring. He has a very sweet smile and he looks very happy. The photos of him sleeping are very cute indeed!! Love those corgi ears and that long cardi squatty body!!
  • Deanna

    Hi, Lorraine! How handsome Wilf is, and, my, what big ears he has! He's gorgeous and very striking. His markings are certainly an eye catcher. Thank you for your comment on my blog, "And Lady Makes Three!" Yes, it was definitely meant to be for the both of us.
  • Tina and Cooper

    Thanks for your sweet comment :o) he's my buddy
  • Luke & Jess

    Thanks Lorraine, it's good to be here!
  • Glendonwyn Welsh Ponies

    Thanks. Little Wilf is too cute! I've never had a Cardigan, but would like to one day.
  • TrevorAlan

    I am torn about it, but the problem is not that I "have" to give her up as much that I think there is someone who could give HER a better life. She growls and snaps sometimes at my little kids, but she also stays home alone all day and then we have no time to really play with her.

    I think an active retired person who does not go to work every day for 8 hours and could give her a couple walks a day, EVERY day, maybe has kids over for a few hours but not all the time, would give her a life better suited to HER. But it would be nice to not lose total contact.

    If you had a candidate in the north Lincoln area, please have them contact me.
  • Tiffany Tran

    Greetings from Los Angeles, California! Thanks Lorraine! Wilf is adorable! I think bossiness is a cute characteristic about corgis =).
  • Chenell

    Thank You! Glad to be here.
  • Desi's_Mom

    Lorraine, Wilf is just adorable. I love the colors!!!
  • Chris Mason

    Ahhh, those are REALLY awesome colors. =O Wilf.. I like that name.
  • Twolves

    Thank you. We do love them to pieces.
  • Melissa Bee

    What a lovely boy you all have--my first cardi, Mr. Tigger, was a black and white but with much less white, sort of the tuxedo style. He was a wonderful dog--9 years after he died I still miss him a lot.

    Thank you for your welcome. Skeez says aroooooooo to both of you.
  • Hayley & Bentley

    Thank you! You have a very handsome guy yourself! :-)
  • Jerri Dyke

    Lorraine, Thank you for the welcome. How nice!
    I decided which one I was getting early on by Pumpkin's face and perrsonality. Honey, her sister, just grabbed my heart. I had total intention to keep both, until my daughter ( who is 27 and an Engllish teacher in another city) turned her big brown eyes on me! :D
    With Wilf and traveling, have you tried giving him an area all his very own in your motorhome? Not a caged area. I used to work for a vet for 7 years and he told clients some dogs suffer from car anxiety and may only travel well in a semi confined area. Maybe you could take a look at your RV and see if there is an area where he could hang out when the RV is moving. Just another idea. He is so sweet looking! Jerri
  • kj

    Thanks for making me feel welcome!
  • Tammey & Caven

    Hi there, you have really brought up a good subject, though I have no good answer, I assure you, Wilf will eventually find his places in your home as you travel. It is important that you immediatly let him know what his boundries are, (husbands feet etc...) and at the same time give him alternatives as to where you feel he should lie, sit or stand as you move on down the road.....Corgis like people, love to travel, need to pee (and poop) want water and snacks, and more than one area that is specifically their own to do their own version of coping with the excitment (and monotomy) of travel. Keep your baby on a leash at all times where ever you go!! Even if he is the best behaved dog ever, stray dogs may attack him (out of nowhere) predators such as hawks may attack, cougars, etc......in desert regions, there may be snakes, cacti etc.... many things your baby just isn't expecting..... bottom line, your baby must be educated about travel, what is and is not acceptable and what his boundries are.....you're future (wonderful) travels and his Life....... depend on you....... Been there Still there Tammey Marsh
  • Michelle

    Hi, saw the new pictures of Wilf and his weight looks really great. He looks like he is running and enjoying life!
  • Emma & Gracie

    Hi Lorraine,

    Thank you! Emma is our first Corgi and we are enjoying her so much!
  • Barn

    Thanks, He's so much fun.
  • Tammey & Caven

    Hi this is Caven! I just read Tammey's note to you on setting boundrie and teaching Wilf what is acceptable and what is not. She gives great advice but I have to share this photo (that she took).
  • Tammey & Caven

    I am sorry, I thought that we were already friends, thanks for fixing our over site. Wilf is such a handsome boy!!!!
  • BU bu wong

    hee hee ..YES!! everyone said she look like a fox ..every time we take her out to the park ,people call : look!! that dog looks like a fox!!! .hahaaa your corgi is cute ,he looks like a panda when he was young , now is a happy handsome men , i love the pic he sleep on the sofa with the black & white cat !!!what a nice photo !! bubu never can stay cool with any cat ...
  • Kevin, Gabby and Toby!

    Thanks Lorraine and his name is Toby =)
  • Drew Miller

    Funny how close their names are; let's not tell the AKC lest they ban any "Wi..." names so they don't go above 30lbs! I'm sure when he'll grow a bit out of his rebellious years as Will has. The only thing insisted upon now-a-days is frequent belly rubs. And a jog if we are away for a long while helps too!
  • Mike and Lisa

    Thank you!!!! (from Lisa) :)
  • Mary, Craig and Charlie Brown

    Hi he is great. Our Charlie has put on lots of weight at present too. He is still a puppy too...
  • Edward and Gemima

    Hi Lorraine, thanks for the welcome note. Wilf is sure a handsome boy! I love all your wonderful pictures!
  • Meredith & Bronwyn

    Thank you! Wilf looks like so much fun!! :)
  • Rachel & Zee

    Thank ya thank ya!
  • Vicki and Christina Brown

    Hi Lorraine,

    Your pictures of Wilf are awesome. Someone is a excellent photographer. Do the cats travel too... 6 wow... I'm a cat lover also and have 3. The cleaning is endless isn't it?
  • Elizabeth Faye Perrin

    Wilf is Super cute! thanks for the welcome!
  • Mary Bledsoe

    Oh NO NO NO he looks PERFECT, know what you mean about "being in for it!" Does Wilf "talk" to you? Brutis does, and he finally has me going in the right direction=his way. I laugh all the time with this guy, there is NEVER a dull moment as you well know! Just when you think you've seen it all, here comes something new. Brutis is 1 1/2 years old and I hope the puppy stage never goes away. I can see why your boy is the apple of your eye, he looks like so much fun and love. Mary and Brutis