


United States

Profile Information:

San Marcos, TX
About Me:
I am 26 years old and live with my Pembroke, Gonzo. I enjoy reading, watching movies, and scrapbooking.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Gonzo is a sable and white Pembroke Welsh Corgi born on February 9, 2007. He loves to be outside, chase things, and chew on his toys. He's a hilarious dog and provides me with endless love and fun.
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Corgi Mom

    Welcome to the group! Love your Gonzo's name!
  • Cindi

    Hi and welcome! Can't wait to see pics of Gonzo!
  • George V

    Thank you Nicole,

    It is always hard to lose a loved one, Emmy had a personality that will never be matched, she was a one of a kind. We are looking forward to getting another Corgi in the Spring when the snow is gone and the lake has thawed out. Fortunately we have a Golden Retriever also that keeps us company also. She will also enjoy the Corgi puppy when she arrives.

    It is a small world, I have been amazed at the people that I meet that originally came from NH but moved away.
  • Corgi Mom

    Oh how cute! I wish our kids were still that small that we could wash them in the kitchen sink. Just absolutely adorable. :-)
  • WhiteDove

    Ahhhh. . .Gonzo is sooooo cute!!!
  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Nicole! love your profile pic, it's cute!
  • Jeremiah and Rhys "Mr. May"

    Hello Nicole
    I was born in New Braunfels and grew up in San Antonio just down the road from you. Welcome to the group!
  • Carrie Hall

    what a gorgeous corgi!!

    I'm in NW San Antonio... :)
  • Ju Lo

    Welcome Nicole and Gonzo! :) I can't wait to check out all your videos! I can't do it from work though. :(
  • Lady Bug (Michelle)

    Welcome from a fellow Texan and Corgi lover! Gonzo is adorable and I love his name - perfect for a spunky little fellow!
  • deelee lew

    Hi Nicole from texas- Her full name is kiyohime valentine, which comes from one of my favorite stories in japanese mythology ( it's pronounced "key-yo-hee-may" but often I call her kiki, muffin, puplet, corgis always have like a million nicknames.. as far as the Furminator goes; Yes!, it's reduced build up everywhere. Kiki sleeps on bed next to me most nights and as long as I've brushed her recently she only sheds if I rough her up a lot first thing in the morning :) My vaccum picks up about 50% as much now!
  • deelee lew

    That's so awesome. I'm sure you and your fiance will find there's less fur everywhere, overall. I'm getting into a better habit of doing it with kiyo, the hardest part is picking the right place to do it- since if you're not careful the hair ends up all the floor and right back onto them when they roll around on the ground. The best plan of attack for me is -brush/crate/vacuum then shower. Seems to work the best, to brush right before the weekly or so vacuuming. It's certainly the best I've ever used though. You're lucky you guys are in such a warmer climate year round, Kiyo doesn't like the cold snap we've been experiencing the last couple weeks in southern CA.
  • Katelyn

    He's so cute! How much was he might I ask? I like him. =D
  • Katelyn

    Awe, health problems are not good. =( I got mine for even far no problems. The breeder wanted 175 for him, but I ended up only having to pay 150. I hope butters doesn't end up with any health problems. Glad your dogs okay though. Gonzo is an awesome name! He looks like butters when he was a puppy!
  • Sam Tsang

    I'm so sorry for your lost :( Shadow had a great life and is in a better place.
  • Sam & Maximus

    We figured that Max must be lying by the door because of the cool draft also. It seems like he gets hot very easily. He even loves being outside in the -20 temps, guess it's good for us to get a pup that likes that since we live in Alaska.
  • Sasha

    Gonzo is so cute! Where did you get him?
  • Sasha

    It seems you like adding your videos! All of your videos are so cute anyways!
  • Amanda

    lol, yeah, San Antonio actually has 2 really nice dog parks. I love it! I think even more than the dogs do sometimes. How far away is San Marcos from San Antonio. I'm not too familiar with Texas since we only moved her a couple years ago. My husbands in the Air Force.
  • Mike

    Thanks for the comment. I love your Sable and white. Actually reminds me of my Sheltie i had as a boy.
  • Geri & Sidney

    Hi Nicole!
    Thank you for your comment about tail docking (my Sidney has his tail). You are very well spoken. And your Gonzo is gorgeous! I love the pic where it looks like he's laughing!
  • Sarah C.

    San Marcos is about 200 Miles from Manvel! My friend lives up there though, she is going to college there!
  • Sam & Shelby

    Texans! Yes! There are a lot of Texans on this site. I love your corgi. His marking a really cute, especially where the top of his face is just a little bit darker than the other parts.
  • Sam & Shelby

    Thanks, I love her sooo much! On the back of her head, just above her collar, there's like a white hook (kind of). She has brown armpits, too.
  • Rose, Aaron and Sarah

    please join the all Texas corgis
  • Monica

    Thanks or joining Texas corgis. Your corgi is beautiul. Your the closet person i've found on here that has a corgi. I just moved from austin to dripping springs.
  • Monica

    hey nicole. My roxy is very sweet for most of the time but can be a hand full too. I noticed the similarities in our dogs too. Im a proud and true texan and austinite, but welcome to texas. My fiance goes to tx state and i have friends down there so it's like a 3rd home.