
37, Female


United States

Profile Information:

Baton Rouge
About Me:
I'm Emily ^_^ and I've recently become sucked into what I like to call "corgi love" I've always thought that people who were totally in love with their corgi either had no life or were just really that lonely ^_^" (yeah i know...a bit ignorant) But now I see why people love the breed.

I made a video of my corgi and someone invited me to join this site so I figured I'd give it a try ^_^

In my spare time, I love to spend time with my corgi and his rescue buddy, Sid. Who I took in after I'd had my corgi for about 5 months. Sid is a lab mix and him and my Corgi love one another dearly.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
My Corgi's name is Tobaway. Yes it is a bit unusual but so is he. He made 1 year on November 5th...He turned 1 in November and I turned 21 so we had a birthday together lol

Tobaway was born with one good eye and an eye that never developed. The breeder's wife was very close to him and said he was the runt and quite a "love baby".

I held his brothers first because I did my research and knew about Corgis and their eye problems but out of all his brothers Tobaway just stood out.

When I held him to my chest he relaxed and signed as a stroked him and talked softly to him. I knew then that he was meant to be my dog.

Tobaway has been the joy of my life and he seems to get around fine with his one eye. I'm looking forward to adopting a female corgi some time soon ^_^
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Corgi Mom

    Welcome to the group! Tobaway is a gorgeous little man! He's lucky to have you.
  • WhiteDove

    Welcome Emily. . .Tobaway is beautiful. . . .I'm sure you'll have many years of loving each other. . . .
  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Emily, that "someone" was me :)
  • Florence Fong

    He is a cute little one. ;o)
  • Lady Bug (Michelle)

    He is just absolutely the cutest little guy!!! I think you will really enjoy Austin!!! It's such a great place and it's really a lot of fun!
  • Charlie

    Welcome to Austin! I think you'll enjoy the city.

    I'd love to get a group of Corgis together in Austin. So far Charlie hasn't met another Corgi. The 12th meetup was for any breed under 30 lbs. I'm posting the Small Dog Meetups on this forum hoping to get more Austin Corgis to show up. It is a pretty active group with meetings most Saturdays.
  • JW

    Tobaway is sooooo cute! I love that he's super special with his gorgeous fluffy coat! Much love from a fluffy family in Detroit :)
  • sandra

    thanks for asking to be pals......you have such a cute corgi kid, and hey, kaley corgi and i went to live in austin for 3 wks.....soooooo nice....but am back being in calif.

    btw,check out...www.sansanpups.com and if you want, join my social network site...sansanpups.com/pals

    it is a lil different, and brand new!

    if you have pics, share them on my flickr group, corgis of the world unite.......thousands of corgi kids it is hard to resist!!!!!!!!!!!!

    colorful gibson

    smiles : )

    kaley corgi is goood ole austin!
  • Lady Bug (Michelle)

    Hello again! I see you made it to Austin, and hope you're enjoying it. I'm sure Tobaway will introduce you to all kinds of new people. It seems everyone loves a corgi! Best Wishes!
  • Corgi Bear and Handsome George

    awwwww cute!
  • Frances

    Tobaway is quite a handsome fellow!
  • Tim Finks

    Hi there, just wanted to say hello to my fellow Austinite. HALLO

    Also, I can see why you fell in love with Tobaway, who could resist that cute wink? Plus, he looks like he's really smart.
  • Carmen

    I love your furbaby! His face and smile melt my heart. Thanks for the friend invite!
  • Juel

    SO CUTE!!!
  • CorgiLove

    Tobaway is so cute! Your story about how you picked him as a pup reminds me of this: http://www.riversongproductions.com/PuppySize.htm
  • Megan and Penelope

  • Cindi

    Toba is just wonderful! I can see why you fell for him!
  • Chell

    Your pup looks absolutely precious!
  • Tammey & Caven

    I thought that we had seen all of the Texans here. Sorry that we missed you and Tobaway. He is a real cutie!
  • Lady Bug (Michelle)

    Welcome to Corgis in Texas!
  • Twinky

    What a special Corgi! He is absolutely adorable.:)
  • Amanda

    They are great little dogs. I'm sure the one eye doesn't hold yours back at all. Plus, it looks like he's always winking at you. :)
  • Kendal & Bleu (Chris & Randy)

    Your Corgi is so cute, I'm glad you found each other, we love our Corgi too and have joined the club of Corgi lovers.
  • John Wolff

    I'd nickname him "Saburo" after Saburo Sakai, the great Japanese fighter pilot ace of WWII who lost an eye but actually returned to aviation combat, successfully, and survived the war.
    You must, of course, get him a black eye patch so he can be a pirate for Halowe'en. Lessee: notched cutlass, eye patch, bandana, gold ear ring somehow....?