

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I have a Cardigan Corgi now, wow...
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
His name is Dooby, you can call him Snoopy also since he looks like the Snoopy when his ears still folded down. Snoopy is a Tri-colored Scorpion and was born on November 4, 2008. One of his ears perked up suddenly after an afternoon nap at 11 weeks old, the other one perked up at the next day worry free. ^^
We took him home at 8 weeks old, he just weighted 6lbs, two months later he was already16lbs, growing so fast!
Dooby has a brother named Wilson and sister named Payton. It's so great that three of them can meet up here. *^^*
Oh! Dooby enjoys chin message so much which can make him relax and calm down.*^^*
I have:

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  • Juel

    OH my! what a beautiful face! I am waiting for my Cardi breeder's next litter.
  • Juel

    I completely agree on seeing others corgi's My boyfriend call it my "corgi fix"
  • Andythomas412

    It was actually a pose he started doing when we was just a lil thing, few weeks old at the breeders. So when I got him home I taught him to do it with treats. Problem is now sometimes when he wants something you have he will just sit there and look at you like Its so cute you want to give it to him :)
  • Lucy Hicks

    He is precious!! It will be fun to watch him grow! Welcome
  • Julie

    Hi Snoopy Doo! You are so cute! Brody would sure love to play with you!
  • Alice

    Aww, Snoopy is turning into a very handsome young man.:)
  • Spartan

    Snoopy is so adorable, that gummy bear song is so cute lol

    HOW CUTE IS HE???????????
  • Susan

    Hi, Snoopy the freckle on your nose and all those awkward little sleeping poses! Ha look like loads of fun!
  • Brenda and Gary

    Very cute. I want another one.
  • Erica

    I love Snoopy Doo, I was just looking through your pictures, he is the cutest little thing ever :)
  • Lynda


    I just got your site info from Sonja at Doxford Kennels. I have snoopy's brother Wilson. And my older corgi is their half brother Bacchus....they have the same dad. I LOVE LOVE LOVE your photos. He's so cute. I will look for more updates.

  • Lynda


    Yes, Wilson loves to play!!!! He is a little stinker. He still has one ear that hasn't stood up seen in his pics. He does have his older half brother Bacchus to play with....and it gets a little wild. I had just Bacchus for a year and a half, and he just seemed to need a playmate. I am so glad I got Wilson for him. They love each other...a lot!! Although there are the occasional power plays....I'll have to figure out how to take videos and load them here.

    How did you put the music on your profile?? I want to do that too. It's very fun!!!
  • Lynda

    They are good pals...I took the photos of them playing in the snow yesterday! What a couple of crazy dogs. They love having each other to play with.

    Yup, it took me awhile, but I did figure out the playlist. Thanks
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Wow, an indoor puppy playground, how cool!!!!!
  • Lynda

    Love the new pics.......looks like you found some pups for Snoopy Doo to play with...I bet he just loves it. They are such social dogs, they need it to have a good day sometimes.
  • Tina and Cooper

    Your babies are so sweet....Im in love with the little Scooby Doo,,wow what a face :o) ~tina~ and Cooper
  • Stephanie

    Thank you he's kind of a mutt you see his mom was cardigan corgi and his dad was a blue heeler. weird mix but he turned out cute. unfortunatly he was abandoned on christmas day and we took him in. he's very precious to us. we know about his parents from a neighbor of the family that had originally sold him. ^_^
  • John Wolff

    Hi. What are those red booties, and do they work?
    I want some kind of emergency foot-cover in case we ever have trouble in the backcountry.

    Al wants a tail, too.
  • Tina and Cooper

    Thanks so much for your sweet comment :o) `tina~ and Cooper
  • John Wolff

    Myself, I would use booties only for an emergency, like a cut pad.
    If used routinely, I'd worry about things like pads getting soft and nails not getting worn (we walk a lot on pavement), or perhaps the dog's gait and balance being thrown off by booties that slip or don't fit quite right. hard for them to tell us if they don't like them.
    But Snoopy seems to like them OK? They do look rather racey.

    I like that white face with the black ears and nose.
    Thanks for the info.
  • Lynda

    I didn't realize corgis liked cantalope!!! I will have to try that!!
  • Melissa Bee

    What wonderful pictures. Both Skeezix and I really enjoyed them. Please say HI to Snoopy.

    Skeezix (CWC) and his mom, Melissa Bee
  • Lauren + Winston

    oh my goodness.. your puppers is so cute! his ears are HUGE! i love it!!!
  • Queenie and Chico

    Thanks for adding us as freinds.. :-D
  • Lynda

    Hi there....looks like your little dude is growing up happy!!! His brother Wilson is also.....he is a bit of a stinker though! Likes to pick fights with his big brother! Drives me nuts! They love the warmer weather and being outdoors more. His right ear is still floppy....not sure what to do about it, gives him some personality! have a great mothers day! Lynda
  • Lynda

    Yes, I think I will tape his ear.....hope it's not too late. I think he's cute this way, but i think it's worth a try to get it upright. I'm getting Wilson neutered next week, and hoping it will calm him down a little. He's becoming a little agressive toward other dogs. That, and more scializing with other dogs. I hope little Snoopy Doo feels better soon! It's so hard for a puppy to stay quiet and still for a week! He sure is adorable!!!
  • Queenie and Chico

    How is Snoopy Dooby doing these days? We had to stop and take a look at his new pics.. I might have to get a day..:-D
  • Arrow and Pengu

    WHAT THE!!!!!
    Those ears.....O_O
    love them!!!!! ^._.^
  • Jessica

    Interested in a Milwaukee area meetup? I'm trying to set one up maybe once a month, at dog parks around Milwaukee. Check out the discussion:
  • Alice

    Snoopy is looking like a grown up. :) How much does he weigh now?
  • Ashley Kelty

    I'd like to invite you to my group, Mismarked Corgis! Snoopy Doo is a cutie pie, with his white face, and he deserves to join our group!
  • Alice

    That sounds about right. Finn is now 9 months, 34 lbs. Yikes!
  • Susan Stanton

    We LOVED that bed -- but sadly someone who shall not be named chewed an unfixable hole in it... I got it at the local dog store and they don't even carry them any more, either! But I'll see if I can find out who makes them, I'd like to replace them, too! I just love Snoop's white face and black ears. Ethel B. has a little crush on him....
  • Alice

    We haven't tried the head collar yet. We're still working with the Martingale collar. I can't decide if it helps with the pulling or not.
  • Dawn Kellogg

    I think your dog is so beautiful !!!!!!! I hope to post more Fin pics soon !!!
  • Marianne Timko

    Very nice, Joyce!!!!
  • Gary, Jackson, and Ollie

    awesome profile picture!
  • Chris

  • Alice

    Happy Birthday!

  • Tammey & Caven

    I love your photos! Dooby is just too handsome.
  • GoGoRainbow

    all your photos are really good! payin so much attention to composition. And I guess it happens to be your birthday, so hope its good ^_^
  • Deanna

  • Steve

    Happy birthday Snoopy!
    Snoopy sure is handsome and love the big ears!
  • Marianne Timko

    Thank you for being my friend, Joyce. That little guy has some ears. One of my Corgis has bigger ears than the other. Strange how that works. Well, now you have him almost a year. He is beautiful.

  • Alice

    You're welcome! Glad you liked it. :)
  • Anne

    Great photo's! Dooby is a handsome guy.
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Snoopy is getting sooooo big!!!
  • Dooby

  • Michelle

    Snoopy Doop is adorable!