
Prescott, AZ

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I am born and raised in Honolulu, Hawaii. I moved to Prescott, AZ about 5 years ago to study Aeronautical Science. Currently, I am working on my Masters of Science in Safety Science. I work as a teachers assistant while I get through the Masters program.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Pa'ani is 3 years old and a little chubby (even though we walk him everyday!). He enjoys eating, sleeping, waking me up with his snoring and of course his rope toy. I love taking care of him and am truly blessed that I get to wake up to a snoring corgi every morning!
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Pa'ani and family!
  • Shannon

    Looking forward to seeing some more pics of your Pa'ani
  • WhiteDove

    Welcome. . . .Pa'ani is adorable!!!
  • Cindi

    Welcome Pa'ani and family! My partner, CorgiMom, is from Waipahu!
  • Shannon

    Love the one with Pa'ani sleepy next to the cute is that
  • Sharnee

    I agree with Shannon... The door scene is cute. Also 1/5 on your slide, the one where he seems to be pointing some where else, is funny too!
  • Karen & Bailey

    yea i know! I am taking so many pictures and videos when i can. He's already growing in coarser hair!!! im starting to miss the fluffy puppy hair!!!!!! =)
  • Bobbi & Penni

    your doggies are adorable! My corgi, Penni, loves to swim! When we get in the pool, (we have to help her get up the ladder) she just jumps in! She paddles around and then climbs up on the raft and sits there like she is queen of the pool! (she is). She also freaks out when my husband dives under the water, because she can't figure out where he went!
  • penny spencer

    Pa'ani, what an interesting name, and for such a fine looking young man. What does it mean?
  • Phog's Mama

    Thank you! I couldn't believe how cute she was when she was a puppy. It's hard for me to believe that she is almost 7! I think that if you wanted to get a cradigan to play with your pembroke it would be okay. I take Phog out to my Dad's farm on weekends and my Dad has a Great Pyranese. They get a long great even with the size difference.
  • Susan

    You have a darn cute little fella! There's just somethin' about a corgi, isn't there?
  • Meghan

    That's so funny!! I took Chipper to my parent's today to visit my parent's BIG golden retriever and Chipper was in heaven!! I don't know what it is. I think they truly believe they're big hahaha....
  • CorgiDewey

    Hi. The pic is of a westie.
  • Kathy and Jillie

    Hi....Thank you for your comment. Our Corgi, Jillie does get along with the bunny, she likes to play with her! We also have another dog, Jack is a lab mix, we found him running on a road,poor baby! Our pet family also consists of 3 adopted cats (all homeless) and surprisingly everyone gets along! Jillie does try to herd me by nipping at my ankles, I am the only one she does that to....hahaha!! I love your pictures of Pa'ani adorable!
  • A & P

    Pa'ani has beautiful eyes!
  • Monique

    It does look a little like a sand castle! That would of been funny! Pa'ani is lovely and I like his name. What does it mean? I love Hawaiian names....we are moving to the B.I. this summer!
  • Abbea and Vivi

    Hello! I live in Arizona too, but in the Glendale area of Phoenix. I've been to Prescott lots of times though as my best friend lives there.
  • Abbea and Vivi

    Oh, the corgi doll is just a picture I found on the internet. I wish I could make it.
  • Melissa

    thanks I am sure it will!!!
  • Keahi and Kai

    pa'ani is so cute. he has a racing stripe like keahi. have you ever taken him back home? we would love to, but the mandatory quarantine makes it impossible :(

    Hello! Your baby is so cute! We also hear Benzo snore and is really funny. He also sleeps like Benzo.

    check out the Corgi-L website.
  • Niki Firmstone

    Hi & thanks for your comment on Holly. She loves her pool, great for keeping cool on hot days. She got a hot spot on her tail once as I'd left it uncovered in the late afternoon. I just put the top down. Sometimes I fill both shells. I'm sure Pa'ani would love a kiddie pool too. Love your pic of Pa'ani in his black t. Where did you get it?
    Glad to hear there is a rattlesnake vaccine
  • Niki Firmstone

    You got the pool, that's great! So pleased you did & glad he's now a corgi water baby just like Holly:x)
  • Chloe's parent Liz

    Yes I am, Cassie's cousin by marriage, look up Deb Dooley,another Corgi owner and fellow Corgi parent of Hammish, also a cousin of Cassie. Corgi's are Irons favorite dogs, we currently have 4 living and 3 deceased.(between the family)
  • Kitty's Corner

    HI ! Kittys' mask is one of a collection of leather masks,that I have.I buy them from NewmanMasks at the Oregon Country Fair.They're great and Kitty will wear them and pose for me,in them,for pictures!
  • EvilTwin

    Hi! Twinkie and Lilly both miss him (I miss him the most!). It is so hard to loose a beloved pet! They are part of my family!! Thanks for the post.
  • EvilTwin

    OMG! Do you attend ERAU??? I used to live in Prescott!!!!
  • Niki Firmstone

    Happy Birthday,
    Here's some ducks for your pool:x)
    Have a great day,
    Niki & Holly
  • Chloe's parent Liz

    yes Chloe was great! She did very well. class was canceled today due to the wind and rain.
  • Chloe's parent Liz

    thanks, that would be very helpful!