
16, Female

Port Charlotte, FL

United States

Profile Information:

Port Charlotte, FL
About Me:
I am now a year old tri-colored girl. I love to play in the yard, diggin holes is my favorite and I'm getting really good at it. My favorite is when my dad tries to fill them and then I can dig them all over again! I also love it when I get visitors. I'm not jumping on them as much anymore, my mom says people don't like it. I also love to dig in my water bowl. It's so much fun and then when my mom tries to clean it up, I get to help her.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
I am the only corgi child. I have two kitty cat brothers, who are just getting used to me. I have a human brother and sister and a mom and a dad who just adore me.
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • CaptainCorgi

    Welcome, welcome! What an adorable little Corgi!
  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Molly and family!
  • Carmen

    Welcome! Look at the cute corgi!
  • Kate

    WELCOME! your corgi is so cute!
  • Kristine

    Your little one is just about the most precious thing I've ever seen!
  • Kristen

    Welcome to all of you. Good to have you here. Your little Corgi is adorable.
  • Hoogie's Family

    Oh my goodness. Your family, Molly, has a gorgeous puppy! Are you a fluffy?
  • WhiteDove

    Welcome. . . .your fur baby is absolutely adorable. . .precious!!!
  • Tracie & Emmy

    Thank you for the compliments. Molly is just adorable. I love the pic of her on the sandals where she is peeking the other way. Emmy looked very similar when she was young... take lots of pics.... they change SO fast!
  • May

    Molly and Dexter MUST be twins! :)
    There are some photos of Molly that I'd swear are Dexter. She's cute (of course)... I'm glad you posted early photos of her. I got Dexter when he was 10 weeks old... his ears were already up... now I can now imagine what he looked like as a little pup. :)
  • Bob Dog

    Great web site, come and see my photos as soon as you can!

    Bob Dog
  • Bob Dog
  • Bob Dog

    Hi Molly, I had to fix my Bob Dog Blog address name to:
  • Bob Dog

    Check out Danielle_RN at the New York Corgi link and see their puppy Kara. A Molly twin!
  • Adam & Brittany

    What a cute little Tri Corgi.
  • Bob Dog

    We are having a great vacation and would love to have a beach date when we get home! We sure do miss our kids though.
  • Harmons

    Molly is too cute. I always love the bear skin rug pictures.
  • Bob Dog

    Hi! Left a message in the tall grass discussion. Have been thinking about you. Please get in touch when you are back from vacation.
  • Samantha

    She is so adorable!!
  • Harmons

    No they are not litter mates, but they sure back each other up if something goes on...just like family.
  • Danielle

    lol thanks :)
  • Justin Nelson

    Ah she is so cute! Thanks for the comments on my new pic.
  • sandra

    you mean toys r us has dog stuff...i tried making a stupid chute, ugh

    i gave up
    but i am getting two kids tunnels cuz my pals dog got tooo big...i do have the teeter, and 4 jumps and the tire and going now to make the table!

    so glad i found your group!

    smiles : )
  • Chantel & Princess Bella

    Aww Molly is the most adorable tri I have seen so far!
    Her markings are so perfect...SO CUTE!
  • CassieD44

    Well, we picked Hunter, but Layla picked me! We went to the breeder to meet them when they were 5 weeks old, only intending to pick out one to be ours (Hunter), but Layla just climbed all over me. She was the runt (of 11 puppies!) and she was so small, but so feisty. I had to have her. I fell in love.
  • Anne

    I would agree. Our girls do look alike. We get lots of compliments on her. How pretty she is etc. I was visiting my sister who has a very nice border collie and when we were walking them in Cooperstown, NY over the 4th, we got all the comments and my sister got none.... funny because her dog is friendly and loves people. Our dog is very shy and wants to hide from the attention. Her dog is very nice and handsome but I guess the lure of a corgi can't be beat.
  • MollyJo

    oh my god!!!! you're so right! Tegan looks exactly like her! and the pup pictures are much like his, too. He was so fluffy and more black, too! :]
  • Bailey

    we're not to far from you at all.
    Bailey is always happy, when I get home from work he claws my leg for me to pick him up and hug him.
    Molly is a real looker almost colored the same as bailey.
    I like the white on her face.

  • Elys

    OK. I know that everyone is saying how cute your little one is, but I see such a resemblance to Camber. I've never oooh'd and aaaahh'd over a dog like yours.

    Cam looks like a puppy (she's only 17 pounds) but she's six years old. But, she's my baby and that's all that matters, right? Welcome and I'm looking forward to sharing more info and pics!
  • morgan

    OMG I love your pictures. My Morgan looks a lot like you! Same blue eyes when he was a baby too.
  • Elys

    Thank you, Molly. We think she's pretty darn cute ourselves! I can definitely see the resemblance.
  • Hayley, Roxy, & Bolt

    Aww! Molly is absolutely adorable! I want a tri corgi now!
  • Elys

    I finally got a chance to really look at her and boy, is she the spitting image of Camber! We never knew what Cam looked like as a puppy, so I'm going to "pretend" that these are her pics!
  • Lil' Guinness

    Molly is so cute in that picture! We are getting our corgi in 9 days!!!
  • Krystal

    THANK YOU!! I really loved looking at your pictures, she is darling :)
  • MollyJo

    my goodness, the more Molly grows the more she looks just like Tegan! :] She's so cuttteee
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Bob Dog

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOLLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can't believe it was one year ago that we were tying umbilical cords and rubbing down wet, newborn puppies. Bob Dog and Tasha are having Frosty Paws with bones to celebrate. We must get together!
  • Deanna

  • Lauren + Winston

    Happy birthday!
  • Dominique

    what a cute little happy corgi smile!
  • Sam Tsang

    Happy Birthday!
  • Carmen

    Happy Birthday!
  • Adam & Brittany

    Happy B-day! :)
  • Trenton and Denise

    Happy Birthday to an adorable corgi!
  • Courtney

    thank you! and shes adorable! what a precious corgi smile! :)
  • Corgibyassociation

    Molly is so cute!
  • Adam & Brittany

    Hello! Would you guys be able to come to a meet up April 4th (or March 28th if not the 4th) around 1pm in Venice at Woodmere Park just off Jacaranda?
  • Alyssa & Chris W.

    Awww I love the pictures of Molly with the cat. They look like they kinda get along. Our cat and Murphy don't really. He tries to play with her, but Stella sees his playfulness as a threat so she ends up smacking him. Molly has a very cute face and I love the colors.
  • Bob Dog

    Happy Birthday Molly!!!