

Easton, PA

United States

Profile Information:

Raubsville, PA
About Me:
My husband & I have a freelance photography business based out of Eastern Pennsylvania. We travel for work through out the US and love to have our cardi, Le-Le sitting beside us.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Le-Le is a wonderful 7 year old cardigan corgi who came to live with us in Feb 2008 almost on her second birthday. She was a very fearful cardigan corgi when we first got her. Now 5 years later she is a smart, funny, sweet girl who adores my husband and I. (when I ask her to find Gary she runs and gives him kisses) Still does not like strangers and is a great watchdog. She now lives the life of the traveling photographer's companion. She loves to visit family and play with other dogs.
I have:

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  • Butter

    Hi Anne, haven't talked to you in awhile. Wondering if you could give me some advice; have been "toying" with the idea of getting a beagle but I've never known anyone who has one. What are they like as housepets. What are the good points and the badpoints? Do you think they would get along with a Cardigan Corgi? Do they require loads of exercise or moderate? Any information that you pass on would be helpful. Is there a Beagle social site like MyCorgi that you know of? Thanks, Joy and Butter
  • Butter

    Hi Anne, thanks so much for this valuable info. Well, beagles are off my list!! I had also looked up "shedding and beagles" on google and it seemed like they shed as badly as Corgis. I had just seen so many sweet beagles for sale that I was thinking of it. There was a 2 year old for sale and his main feature was that he loved to snuggle and cuddle. I think we will just stay with Butter as he is the perfect dog for us. However, he isn't too cuddly and at 47 lbs he can't sit on my had been dreaming of getting a smaller, cuddlier (sp?) dog. Also, we don't have a fenced in yard, we live in the country on a few acres of a beagle would probably run and we may never seem him again LOL Anyway, I appreciate the advice. Thanks again, Joy
  • Jenni & Dave Fields

    Thank you Anne for the friend request.....Le Le is a beautiful girl!!!!
  • Karen & Bailey

    Thanks Anne and Le-le for the picture comments. =P I would LOVE to put him on some cards. Probably will this upcoming holiday season and hand them out to friends.. thats about it! =P
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    What magnificant vibrant coloring she has. WOW.
  • Butter

    Yes, it is wonderful seeing them bloom. Butter is making new sounds almost every day now. It is too cute. Great that Le-le continues to blossom :) Joy and Baby Butter
  • MichelleDM

    Jax is most likely just playing dumb. He is a little hyper and that contributes to his selective hearing. We hoped that getting him neutered would help, but it has not. He does a great job wearing the kids out though.

    Le-Le is very pretty.
  • MichelleDM

    I was so lucky. Jax was a rescue and game with some of the "niceties" He does not beg for food, sits, doesn't jump. He just likes to lick...drives me a little bonkers sometimes. I am so happy we got him, I would have never expected a Corgi to fit into the family like he does, but he is great!
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Merlin's Parents

    Just wanted to say that your pup has beautiful markings. What a beautiful tri-color corgi she is.
  • Ziggy,Tequila and Sambuca

    le le is beautiful, yes she has a resemblant to Ziggy. He has some Cardi traits it is the big ears.
  • Karen & Bailey

    Thank you! and thank you! =P
  • Jaxon

    Thank you. Yes, got to love the tail. Nice color's on LeLe
  • Teresa Kannard

    I love your tri color. It is so hard to find tris that do not have a all red head. I just adore that face!
  • Virginia

    Le Le is one of the most beautiful cardis I have ever seen. I like the tri color and never really knew cardis could be tri. I just adopted our 3rd pem, a r/w named Arlo. He is 4 mos old (what was I thinking?). Let me know if the Vero Beach Corgis get together. I went to the Corgi picnic in Nov., 120 of them. Wow! Virginia, Yogi, Mavis and Arlo....and Opal (bloodhound) and JD (border collie mix)
  • JILL

    As I read your blog, I wondered if the breeder in Oklahoma was Sharon Nottingham. Figg and Newton are my 7th and 8th female cardigans and they have the sweetest personalities of any of the cardignas I have owned. I attribute that to Sharon's breeding program. Warhol, the young male in the brindle group, is also a product of Sharon's dog, CH Phi-Vestavia Nott A Gamble "Dice", father of both Figg and Newton. Welcome to the group.
  • JILL

    Neither of the young dogs bark very much, but I don't live near many people and they have very little opportunity. I will admit that the young one, Newton, still barks at my husband everytime he comes in the door!! She doesn't bark at any one else that visits, though. Must be something about him in particular that doesn't sit well with Newton. I believe King Georgey has been sold, but if you want another dog, Figg's mother, Visa, is for sale. She looks like a really sweet dog, also and is almost two years old.
  • Alice

    Le-Le is darling. She has such a sweet expression. That's funny that King Georgey is her father. We almost got a blue merle pup of his from the litter he fathered a few months back. I thought we were not going to end up getting one from the breeder we originally chose so I was looking for other blue merle pups. Luckily, we ended up getting one from the first breeder and we're thrilled with our little guy. If we decided to get a 2nd Cardi I would consider working with Sharon. She was very nice when I talked to her.
  • Alice

    Finn is food motivated but he is still just a baby. :) I'm glad Le-Le is adjusting well. I'm sure she is better off with you than in a show home. My Mom has a Cardigan that someone purchased as a show dog but one of his ears flopped back down when he was 9 months old so the handler returned him to the breeder which is how my Mom got him. He was very mellow at first and he wouldn't bark either. After having him for 8 months now, he's tunred into such a clown. He still doesn't bark except for when someone comes to the door though. I wish Finn had that no barking habit. He'll bark at everything and nothing. :)
  • Teresa Kannard

    The snow has pilled up slowly and is past my waist. The corgis love it and have mad tunnels in the snow digging it out. lol
  • Virginia

    Melbourne, that's where we live. The corgi picnic was in Palm Bay, next town south. It was good but not like the year before. That, in my opinion, was due to the place it was held at which is going to be the same place next year. Last year was at someone's house which was large but cozy. This new place is too big, people were too far apart from one another and less able to mingle unless you walked around. The auctioneer was on a "stage" and we all had to surround the edge to see/hear but still couldn't. I have 1/2 acre closed in but not sure it is big enough plus on septic and sure the toilets would back up. Oh well, still worth the event. Celeste is working on improving....Virginia, Yogi, Maivs and ARlo
  • Max & Cody

    Greetings from San Antonio! Thanks for the comment. ...and yes he keeps us on our toes.
  • Karen

    Hi Anne,
    We would love to have you stop by the antique mall when you come south. We are very close to the interstate - just 2 miles off of I-26, northwest of Columbia. Sullivan's is a great spot - we wish we could spend more time there, but the business keeps us hopping here. Would love to me Le-Le, too. I really would like to have a cardi - my first corgi was a cardi-mix. He did not like people at all..... He was a great guard dog! I kinda miss that... These guys are not guard dogs at all, unless you're a cow or a squirrel!
  • Michelle B

    Le-Le is beautiful. If you ever make your way to the west coast let us know. Ruby would love to meet Le-Le. Ruby does like to chat alot, I mean bark when she is playing and that can tend to make some dogs a bit nervous. I have tried to get her to do it softer, but she only knows loud high pitched bark.
  • Tazer

    Thanks! Our little guy's name is Tazer. And what is your dog's name?
  • Petra Marteus

    Thank you Anne! Our Cardigans are happy Cardigans with alot of joy and energy!

  • Petra Marteus

    Le-Le look lovely! I love his colouring!
  • Starbuck, Windy & the kids

    If you like Starbuck's puppy pictures, we have a bunch of pix of his nieces & nephews at I like your pix of happy hounds, especially Le-Le doing cave behavior under the nightstand. Our guys enjoy that kind of secure feeling, too.
  • Takiat

    Yes i very rarly see cardi's when im searching around on the web! I happen o have a great one!!! thanks for the post..... I love yours as well great looking dog!
  • Dale, Patty

    Arnold gets a little moody sometimes. At 15 years old.. at least, he was a stray so we're not exact, but we've had him for over 13 years now...he's really good with her.
  • King Koby of the Treasure Coast

    I can't wait for the round up!!! Hope to see you there! Let me know when it is as soon as possible.
  • Porter & Burleigh

    Le-Le's Red it so deep... she's a beauty. My Porter doesn't do stairs either. At 36#'s it's a workout carrying him up and down. Does stairs outside but there are only 6...
  • Tina and Cooper

    Hi,Im new to my corgi and im a freelance photographer too,,,,what fun and your corgi is Beautiful, :o) I love the try colored too
  • Susan

    Thank you, we think she's cute, too. Although Annie's a CT dog, she does have PA roots -- her father is from Rhydowen in Coatesville, PA. I looked at all Le-Le's pictures on your page -- she's beautiful! Very photogenic, which is a bonus given her family, eh? ;-)
  • Lynda

    Thanks, yes it is fun to see the other cardigans. I love their tails!!! And the always happy faces!!!! ;) I got them from Doxford Kennels in Illinois. Thae are wonderful little boys!
  • Lynda

    I forgot to have my dream job. I have always wanted to be a traveling freelance photographer. Tell me more about it..

  • Sir Wiggles Freeland

    Hi Anne - We posted pictures on our web album - sent the link to your e-mail address!
  • salt water licks

    Thanks!! Can't wait to get to know Le~Le and all the other great dogs & friends here!
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's


  • Angela

    Imagine the thrill I had when opening my issue of "Country Living" and seeing Le Le's beautiful face grace its pages! Hooray! You have a beautiful home and a fantastic sense of style. Le Le has a super place to call home. My husband thought I was nuts because I opened up the issue and said "I KNOW that corgi!" LOL Congratulations on a great story and some beautiful pictures of you and Le Le.
  • Missy D

    Thanks for the welcome. Le Le makes a beautiful magazine model! :)
  • Karen

    Anne! Fellow Eastonian!
    I do have a little pottery studio-
    There are some pictures in the blog-
  • Christine Jones

    Hi Anne! Yes, Sooner came from Sharon's by way of Somerset kennels. Sharon and the owner of Somerset were close friends. When Paige passed away, Sharon acquired Somerset's dogs and puppies. Sooner's dad is Somerset-Notts Turbo Trucker. Sooner's registered name is Notzmo-Somerset Okie Prairie Dog. Le-Le is beautiful and very photogenic! =)
  • Christine Jones

    Blizzard came from Steppenwolf Kennels in Michigan. I was very happy dealing with both breeders. If I ever wanted another Cardi, I would definitely contact either again! =)
  • Shepdog

    Hi! Great to see someone else on here with one of Sharon's dogs too! She has beautiful dogs, I totally agree. George is Simon's dad, actually! So, our dogs are absolutely related - and man, I sure see a lot of Simon's expression in Le-Le's!

    :D Great to meet you - and a photography person as well! Love it!
  • Nancy Geddes

    Dear Anne and Le Le,

    Thank you for the lovely invitation of friendship. This is Tasha, and I am a good communicator. We very much enjoyed your photographs. NanMom refuses to move beyond her old 35mm SLRs. Stay in touch!

    All the best from Williamsburg, VA:

    Bear, Tasha and Linus
  • Marion Hebert

    Hi, Anne....Would love to be included as one of your friends.....Your pictures are wonderful....what a pretty area you live in....Who are the other dogs in the pics....are they yours only mention one Corgi, Le-Le, the cardigan....I have two male and one best friends....Currently, I am trying to schedule some herding lessons for them and myself....Nancy Geddes said she would ask her trainer if she might take on another student...We live in the beautiful state of the confluence of the James and Appomatax Rivers...Our city is small, around 25,000, but Richmond is very close and we have a military base of around 40,000 next door to us. Sam, Merry and I often go down to the river and is so pretty there....Merry, recently, has taken to attacking the squeaker in her stuffed toys....She just makes one very neat surgical hole and pulls out a squeaker....So no more stuffed squeakies for her....Sam and Merry also spend time at the parks with me and running through the tunnel, jumping jumps, and playing ball in their own yard. Of course the game they like best is chasing birds, bunnies, and squirrels...Woe betide the animal that visits our yard. Congratulations on being in Country Living...I am going to look up the web site and see if I can access your article. Where is Easton, PA. I am going to be in Scranton, Pa. this week, are you anywhere near there? Marion
  • Marion Hebert

    I will not be able to get your direction this trip.....Maybe next time. My son, daughter-in-law, and grandchildren live in Scranton.....My daughter-in-law has just had surgery, so I am here to help out a bit....until she is back on her feet and feeling strong enough to carry the load of the household and other chores. Love visiting with them, just wish the circumstances were a little better. Will let you know when I get this way again. Marion
  • Janet Johnson

    Next time you come up this way, be sure to let me know. Maybe we can meet up spmetime!
  • Marion Hebert

    Hey, Anne....I am so sorry that I will not be in Scranton on the 13th. I would love to have met all of you. But I am home daughter-in-law is on the mend. She sure looked rough when she came out of the surgery. Now it is a matter of healing...and I think that will go well. It is so hard when half your face is full of stitches. They were removed on Monday....and that helps a lot. She is a tough cookie and is working through this. Thank for the invitation. Will let you know the next time I am your way. Marion