Mary Phoenix


Sonora, California

United States

Profile Information:

Sonora, CA
About Me:
I am a middle school teacher with two lovely corgis, Gardener and Madeline. You may see pictures of my Koby. She was a great Corgi who crossed the rainbow bridge in September of 2009.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
My corgis are great companions and also run in agility trials.
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Mary! Glad to have another member from CA! Invite your corgi friends to join us too!
  • Silvia Li

    Welcome aboard Mary! Glad you could join us!
  • Ivy & Bryson

    Your corgis are too cute! How do they enjoy agility? Bryson tried but our instructor don't seem to think that dogs that don't tug should do agility :( Anyway, we turned to Rally and he seems to enjoy it so far (4 lessons in)! Check out Bryson's blog when you get a chance!
  • Ivy & Bryson

    Ha ha! I'm sure Bryson would love your trick of "tug and treat"! :) We'll have to try it!
  • Ivy & Bryson

    BTW, love your doggle pix too!
  • sandra

    thanks mary for stopping by my pg is gonna be soo much fun...hey, hope to see you there in dixon this sunday....kaley corgi is gonna be there fur sure!

    i love all the pics of your cute kids, hehee, they are soooo dang cute!

    she clears it again! (12 of 21)

    kaley corgi kisses : )
  • Corgi Mom

    What a beautiful tri-color! We're hoping to be able to add a tri-color to our furry family some time next year. That would bring the number of corgis from 4 to 5. It would be so cool.
  • Ivy & Bryson

    I'm so bummed we missed you, Mary! That amigo is Bryson alright :) And the other amigo is his buddy, Picasso. Did Koby and Gardner dress up too? Such a bummer we missed each other! I'm gonna post some more of our pix on our Flickr album later, would love to see the rest of your pix too!
  • Mary Phoenix

    I KNOW! I am bummed too! You were walking around inside the arena and it was hard even to get pictures. We will have to arrange to meet next year. Koby and Gardener didn't dress up this year but next year I think they will. We have a nice assortment of costumes. you can check out my pictures at
  • Ivy & Bryson

    Thanks, guys! Bryson and Picasso are excited to win the costume contest (and so are we, hee hee :>) Your pictures on Flickr are awesome! If you're ever in SF on the second Saturday of the month, stop by the SF corgi meet up. We're usually there, and it'd be great for Bryson to meet Koby and Gardener some day!
  • Mary Phoenix

    Thanks, "CorgiCapers" I really love taking pictures of my corgis. I hope your Thaksgiving was as wonderful as mine :-)
  • Daisy

    Ok thanks so much! Your corgis are sooooooo B-E-A-utiful! lol! Thanks
  • Constance

    Thanks from my pair to your pair! Corgi goodness all around. :) Love the cover shot.
  • Ivy & Bryson

    Hey Mary, we couldn't have a better picture for the cover of the calendar! They are soooo adorable!! Love the rest of your pictures on Flickr as well. Nothing brightens up your day better than some big corgi smiles :)
  • Megan

    Thanks!! Congratulations to your kids as well!! Great cover models, I must say!
  • JW

    I saw your beautiful babies on!!! So cute for Easter!
  • CorgiPants

    Congrats on the Easter pic on CuteOverload!! Some friends at work emailed it to me and I said "Eeeee! I know those two cuties!"
  • Mary Phoenix

    Thanks, Corgipants. That was last year's Easter picture. All of a sudden it started getting comments on flickr. Now I know why :-) It is cool that the corgi kids are getting recognized.
  • CorgiPants

    I love looking at your flickr pictures, you are a great photographer. Mine are always ugly and blurry. Sully and I haven't tried agility, mainly because he is a very shy gentle boy and can sometimes be paralyzed with fear of new situations and especially equipment. We have jumps (for obedience and rally, of course) and a tunnel and he can only get through the tunnel if it is tucked short enough so that he can jump through without touching it. So, we've found our place in obedience and rally.
  • Mary Phoenix

    That is cool! The most important thing is being active and having fun with you dog (dogs) in my case. Gardener is also a "shy guy" but is progressing in agility with the help of his big sis Koby :-)
  • Florence

    Mary !!!!!!
    I was wondering where you were, you, Gardener, and Koby !!!
    I'm so happy to find you here !

    I started MyCorgi a few weeks ago, it was a bit difficult at first, but I like it very much.

    From your friend Florence, Nana, and Uyanga.
  • Rabbit

    I would love to get together for a trip! We have a house in Nevada City, and my grandparents live in Sonora too. Sadly, I never get up there enough! As soon as the pup is a good water dog, I'll let you know and we can set something up. That would be a blast!
  • Lola

    Your corgi's are adorable!! I love all the costumes and stuff! I can't wait for Halloween! Lola is a good sport about clothes and whatnot!

    Hope you have a great day!
  • Thuy

    Hi there, I'm new member to this site and just found a picture of your corgis in the kayak with their cute!. Mac, my corgi goes to the beach alot and I always wanted to get him a pair of sunglasses, where did you get yours and how does your corgis managed to keep them on? Thanks! Thuy
  • Thuy

    Thanks Mary. I wanted to order one for Mac and deciding on either the original or the ILS, black or tan...
    Mac is away spending the summer with his "grandparents" right now so I can't meausre his head for the right size and was wandering what size did you ordered for your corgis? Mac is about 27 lbs and I think his skull is medium...or maybe a small would fit....