Joanna Kimball


Plaistow, NH

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I am a Boston dog photographer, a show breeder of Cardigan Welsh Corgis and a general dog nut of grand proportions.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
I have five right now: Ch. Pecan Valley A Blue Clue, Sunkissed Pecan Valley Friday I'm In Love, who is just starting her show career, Clue's daughter Juno (Blacksheep She Who Warns), Daisy Poppy, Merrymoon Pluperfect Panache, who is now retired, and an as-yet-unnamed daughter of Daisy Poppy. I have one or two litters a year and am active in rescue and my local breed club.
I have:

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  • Kyle, Megan and Loki

    Clue is a gorgeous dog, love the herding pics too. excellent posts
  • Bonnie Mills

    Lovely Corgi. I am very impressed by the photos too!
  • Sky and Lyla

    I don't like to use Ivermectin on my Aussies because of the MDR1-gene issue. I know some say that there is supposed to be so little of it that it won't hurt them, but then some breeders put it in your contract that you cannot use Heartguard because of the Ivermectin. So, would you use the Milbemycin oxime (Interceptor) with the same kinds of time periods?
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Thanks for the info Joanna! I hope that we are able to make it! One more question, is there a fee to get into the show?
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Thanks for the info for the show, I appreciate it! Wow, I must have been really tired this morning at 12:53 am lol. I hope we can make the show, this is will be our first show!!
    I am thinking that Lance would love to go, but better off if he stays home seeing it is our first show and if he went he also would think he was there to play with all the other doggies :O!!! :) Is there anything else we need to know about the shows seeing this will be our first one?
  • Mary

    Hi Joanna, I have a quick question. Can you recommend a gentle shampoo? I have no idea what to look for ingredient-wise and every brand advertises the same thing though I'm assuming some are better than others.
  • Mary

    Thank you so much! I might try the day to day shampoo. Thanks for the rest of the washing advice too. I do rinse like a crazy person, much to my puppy's chagrin. We have a shower attachment in the bathtub, so I plop in with my swimsuit on and hold her on my lap so my shoulders don't get tired :).
  • Kevin and Buddy!

    Thank you for the warm welcome! We can't wait till we bring our corgi home.
  • Clemmie

    Thank you! Clemmie came from a breeder up here in Washington statei. I believe they call themselves called Brookehaven Corgis. I always wanted a merle corgi, Clemmie came along and I fell in love with fluffs!!!
  • Joanna Kimball

    Oh, than we almost certainly have cousins (that explains why she's so pretty! ;) ). I think all her Cardigans are closely linebred on Inky (Phi-Vestavia Inkling) and mine are all his grandkids or great-grandkids. Do you happen to remember her parents' names?
  • Jane Christensen


    Thanks for all your advice lately with Livvy! She is due Feb. 1st. Have you ever had another female take over as the pregnant momma's personal servant? My Bella who is a great mom decided that she is going to protect Livvy and follow her everywhere! She guards her uneaten food and brings her toys among a few things! It is so cute and she just seems to have stepped in as this is her "job" She was a great mom with her own litter too!
  • Jane Christensen

    I think you said you know of a Cardi breeder in MN also. I was just looking for MN breeders and found this Cardi sight in Lafayette (about 40 miles from me) I am not interested in getting a Cardi but this woman seems to be quite accomplished with her Cardis! Just curious!
  • Missy D

    The only thing fair about Kodi being a fluff is that's how I was able to get such a beautiful dog as a pet - otherwise he'd be in the show ring like his brother Tobi and his sisters Sterling and Ella. ;) He's actually not terribly fluffy - and I trim his ears and pants with thinning shears so he looks even more like a "real" corgi. I got a fluff because he was my first non-collie, so I needed a little extra fur! Luckily, his coat sheds dirt like it should so he's a breeze to keep clean.
  • Carol Powers

    Thanks for the add Joanna. I love your girl! Corgi's rock.
  • Sam & Shelby

    I just say thanks for the advice. I really appreciated all of it. It's a good feeling when you have people to turn to. Once again, thank you so much.
  • Melissa S.

    Thank you for your advice! I always enjoy reading What you have to say!
    I do have one more question for you
    Of the Solid Gold , Wellness, Innova and Canidae, which do you feel will help put on those few pounds,and be a great dog food?. Keeping in mind that Walker is a picky eater? :( At this point I am willing to switch up, and even go to the dreaded PetCo to get what ever i need. And should we feed large breed or small breed? He is 10 months old, and we stopped feeding puppy 2 months ago per my vet.
    Tonight, I had to hand feed my sweet turd, because he again did not want to eat! And he is not sick! Just being a pain, he would eat if the other dog showed interest in his food or if the cat showed interest! And as long as I was picking up kibble, he was happily eating. But not on his own. And although I love him dearly, I am not going to hand feed him every night! Which I have done in the past to get him to eat!
    Thank you thank you!!
    (I have never had this issue before, I hate sounding so dog dumb, but I have also never owned a corgi before either)
  • Beauty and the Beast

    What a beautiful dog! This might just be the most stunning cardi I've seen!
    Can't wait for the puppy pictures :)
  • Beth Brown

    Hi Joanna: Meydele is coming from Coedwig Cardigans. They are out of Washington state as well as Arkansas. My little one can't get here fast enough!!! Where are yours from?
  • Kelli & Penny

    Good Luck to Clue and you :)
    Can't wait to see pictures of the little ones.
  • Jane Christensen

    Today's the day?????? Can't wait to hear about those pups and how the moms are doing!
  • JILL

    Congratulations - I am sure that Clue is happy to be able to move around a bit more easily.
  • John Wolff

    Re. the fire: I know you're busy now, but someday can you tell us if the firefighters had anything useful to say about pets and fires? Are those pet-alert door stickers worthwhile when nobody's home when firefighters arrive? Did they already know you had animals in the house?
    The latest puppy photos are maybe a higher priority. :)
  • Beth Brown

    Thank you so much! I love that I now have connected with someone who has a "sibling" to ours! Meydele is supposed to be flying in from Arkansas today. The first flight has already been cancelled. I am praying she will make it here safely, sometime soon.
    Leda Thomson has her hands full with all the pups at the airport for sure!
  • John Wolff

    Thanks for the fire info -- what a nightmare.
    If we can buy a big enough cattle ranch and herd in 10 weeks, we'll let you know how many puppies we want.... :)
  • Kari & Quin

    Joanna, I love to read your posts as I think you are very knowledgeable. I was wondering if you could share some of your knowledge with me in the grooming dept? I have a 13 week old fluffy female and right now i am just using some puppy shampoo i got at the feed store(tropiclean) but i would like to know your choice in grooming gear. I live in Arizona so it is very dry and i think something that combats static would be good also because she is a fluff i am thinking static will be a problem i know it is for me. also i am thinking about getting a pin brush from all systems do you like their products. i know alot of people rave about the furminator on this site but i have my doubt about it for a fluffy i have heard it hurts their coat. Thanks for any advice you give me.
  • Joanna Kimball


    I would definitely choose a pin brush for her; my absolute favorite corgi brushes are Chris Christensen T-Brushes. They are basically very good pin brushes in a slicker shape, which (in my opinion) make them easier and more natural to use. Many fluffies barely need any special grooming but it depends on the texture of the hair as well as its length. If they're very soft as well as long, they can mat, especially behind the ears and on the pants.

    For shampoo, if you're already ordering from Chris Christensen get some daily shampoo and some After Bath conditioner/rinse. The Daily shampoo is just a nice mild formula and the After Bath is a rinse that adds conditioners and a little bit of silicone to the coat. It definitely helps with static and it gives them a lot of shine and combats staining and tangles.

    If you don't want to spend the $$ on the CC stuff, just get some human shampoo that is mild and would address the same issues. Show-dog people have been using Pantene on their dogs for years, and I've used Bed Head many times. I bathe them once a week or so, so I don't want anything that "deep cleans" or is harsh; I'll use a nice conditioning human shampoo long before I'd use most of the less expensive shampoos that are marketed for pets. They're designed to clean a dog who gets a bath every six months or a year, not one who is bathed as often as a child is :).
  • John Wolff

    This blog has a lot of anecdotal observations re. Comfortis, and some of them are really scary. Even if Comfortis is safe, my notion of using it as an on-demand short-term anti-tick drug wouldn't work, too episodic. I think I'll wait on that stuff.
    Looks like it has bad interactions with Ivermectin, too.
  • Jane Christensen


    If you can find where he's from I could possibly go get him and keep him a few days till we could get him to his home! I will also try to check that person from Lafayette that has Cardis maybe she has a rescue!
  • Susan Temple

    I am enjoying your blog and pictures on the puppies so much!! They are ADORABLE. What beauties Clue has had. I especially like the picture of the puppy with the blue eyes-- you really take gorgeous pictures! You really have opened my eyes to how much care and concern goes into responsible breeding. And your little girls are adorable too!! Best wishes and keep up the great work.
  • Alyssa & Chris W.

    Thanks for sharing your puppy pictures. I really enjoyed them and they made my day. :o) We would like to get a Cardi in a few more years so Murphy can have a playmate, but there aren't any Cardigan breeders in our area at all and possibly not even in our entire state. We had a hard time finding a Pembroke breeder. We had to get Murphy from a breeder out in North Dakota who could ship him to us. So, I don't know where we'd get a Cardi from when the time comes unless we could work something out in a few years with you, that would be great. We could make a trip up there if you can't ship them. Just looking at your pictures really had my mind thinking about the future of possibly getting one. Again, thanks for sharing those!
  • Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    I've enjoyed and learned from reading your posts. Your breeder info. seems spot on, and I would love to know which breeder advised you 30 yrs ago. I also enjoyed seeing your beautiful Cardis, mostly black & whites; but couldn't help noticing some beautiful red-heads of the two-legged variety. Did you produce them too? ; )
  • Bev Levy

    Thanks for being such a great source of corgi info!
  • Alice

    Thank you for everything. I count myself lucky to have someone like you to go to for advise. I wish I knew of you when we were looking for a Cardi breeder. Maybe one day when he needs a sister. :)
  • Gromit, Sparkle, and Doug

    Love your photos, they are nicely done and of course the subject matter is the best! I'm looking forward to seeing more as the puppies grow.
  • Alexsandra Papoban

    Hi Joanna,
    I am new to this site but I have been reading many of the forum discussions. I am about to get a pembroke welsh corgi and I am soo excited!! I came across your post about how you keep your corgis shedding under control and was very interested. How often do you wash them and use the forced air dryer to keep the shedding to a minimum? I really appreciate any answer you give me! Thank you so much.
  • John Wolff

    You haven't missed this, have you?:
    Cardis welcome their vet home after a year in Afghanistan:
    welcome home
  • Sylvia & Timmy

    Joanna, I know I read either on your own blog or here the supplement you use for your corgis that includes Glucosomine/Chondroitin (sp?) and Hyaluronic Acid and MSM, but I can't find it. Could you let me know, please? I am currently using Glycoflex III and then Hyaflex. Thought I could save a couple of dollars by getting that supplement. Thanks for your help.
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hi Joanna,

    You sure have been busy lately. Thinking of Bronte and hoping shes feeling better soon. I also saw that one of your pups went to Missy D, thats awesome!! If we were ready to get a pup, I would love to get one from you, but we just arent there yet and probably wont be for awhile. We sooooo enjoy Lance though. I really admire you for all the work you do and all the knowledge you have and share.
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hello!!! I just created a group for Pecan Valley Corgis, come and join :)
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hope you had a good weekend. Hows Bronte doing?
  • Zach and Lisa

    I just wanted to say what beautiful puppies your gorgeous Cardis have produced! True dedication.
  • bebe

    Your webpage about pet photography is so inspiring! I can't wait to buy a DSLR this summer so I can take some great pictures of my corgi in Sept! Love your work :)
  • MagnoliaFly

    Did you get one of your cardi's from Rita at Cornerstone? She spoke of a Joanna McKim getting a MACH recently on a pup she placed.
  • Jay

    your right, i know understand that breeding mistakes happen and i should'nt judge so quickly.
  • Alice

    Hi Joanna,

    I just dropped by to say hi and see how you were. I haven't been on lately and was beginning to feel like a stranger to the site. :)
  • Michelle

    Have you heard anything related to the "Two Cardigans available" blog that was posted Sat/Sun? I had attempted to email late Sat. night the blog post to the Cardi National Rescue contact but the e mails bounced back undeliverable. ^,,^ Got the emails addresses off CWCNRT site-curticardi@bak.rr.coms,
  • Bonnie Mills

    Hello! I adore your profile and the photos that you have up. Gorgeous dogs!!!
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Happy Summer to you, hope your enjoying your summer:

  • Bev Levy

    Happy Birthday !