Jane Christensen

69, Female

Comfrey, MN

United States

Profile Information:

Hibbing, MN
About Me:
I live in the country and love animals so I have a variety of dogs(2 of my own corgis, Wynn and daughter Sage)2 rescues,a corgi mix and an Aussie) cats and free range chickens. I am lucky because I get to work close to my home and my dog(s) get to come with me...My husband and I have grown children and several beautiful grandchildren who love to visit and play with the animals.My love for Corgis started when I went to pick a female Corgi and Wynn picked me... he proceeded to walk up to me, lay his tiny little head on my foot and fall asleep.Wynn still parades around my house with one of my shoes and I always have to "look" for my shoe before I can leave...I did a Corgi rescue April (08) I felt like I wanted to help other Corgis...wow what an experience and I learned a lot. I also do corgi rescue when needed..Jackson now lives with Jennifer Markley. Calvin my Cardigan rescue lives with Joanna and Rainy my own Pembroke was rehomed and lives with Joanna's parents where she can be the "princess" and have her own people!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
I have 4 Corgis.Wynn is my male Corgi that started this obsession with Corgis and he is now 9. Wynn's daughter Sage is 3 and a Therapy Inc.dog that often travels with me.Wiley my rescue is also about 8. Teddy my other rescue is about 11. Armani is my Aussie who thinks and acts like a corgi! Tank is a 4 year old Corgi mix. We decided to adopt him instead of another Corgi because he had already been in 3 homes at 1 year of age. He can run for hours in our groves and wear off his energy and is such a sweet boy. 1/2.
I have:

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  • Hana

    How much does Bella weight?
  • Hana

    What is your thought on flea & tick and heatworm meds??
  • Hana

    Thanks for the insight!
  • Roger/Laurie

    How are the little ones doing? I bet things get hectic around your house. We just have the 2 and they keep us busy. Have a great weekend.
  • Roger/Laurie

    Hope you and Sage had a fun day at the festival
  • Angela Kau-Forsberg

    You're welcome to use my name if you want. I'm just glad to have seen you two. It was definitely random, but a lot of fun. :)
  • Tegan, Carol & John

    Thank you -- that will be great! I'm really looking forward to making the soap (and saving some money!)
  • WhiteDove

    WOW, thank you for the nice gift. . . .P.S. Fantastic looking page. . . .LOL

  • Bev Levy

    Awww can not wait to see pictures of your accidental litter!
  • Ellie T

    Thanks so much for the welcome. :)
  • Annie

    Thanks for the warm welcome!! :)
  • Joanne Koppenaal

    That's the fun part about it! I was set up to foster ,then was raising Luna as a puppy so had put it on hold. She is two so I am ready again! Hope to talk to you soon :)
  • Amberwolf (Jenn)

    Thank you! I'm happy to be here. :o)
  • Paige, Dexter & Violet

    Are there any MN Corgi get-togethers? Dexter loves to socialize with other dogs, so we'd love to attend an event if there are any!
  • Paige, Dexter & Violet

    How can I find out more info? I'm new to this site so I'm having a little difficulty navigating.
  • Paige, Dexter & Violet

    I accepted. Thanks Jane! :)
  • A-KIM

    Thank you for the welcome!! The pic is soooooo cute!!
  • Queenie

    thank you so much! i'm coming home tonight. hopefully for good. my results will tell. i did eat food finally today. i miss my family and they misses me!
  • Sarah Davidson Doty

    oh that picture was precious. thanks so much
  • Carol Rea

    I like all your updates! Stay dry!
  • Roger/Laurie

    How are the babies doing? Are you having any flooding, we are thinking about you.
  • Carol Rea

    Jane, so sorry about Theo! It's hard to lose a "corgi" goat
    Hope the water is no where near you, keep hearing about the levy! One day soon I am going to look up your town on the map.
  • CaptainCorgi


    I'd be more than happy to sell you a print of "The Pemmie Jumped Over The Moon"! :-)

    My website is: www.r-scott.webs.com
    My e-mail is: rscottartwork@yahoo.com

    Just send an e-mail my way! Thanks :)
  • Carol Rea

    I remember when Odie passed, we were moving and Lucky checked every box to see where we put Odie! They sure do know when something is wrong! Your corgis are going to miss Theo, as are you. Hope that the water resides soon.
  • Roger/Laurie

    Glad to hear all is well. Got a note from Gem/Edward she said the lake at the lake house was 9 ft over flooding stage (I think)
    their house had 6 inches of rain. Both are sandbagged and so far all is well. We have had 4 inches the last two days. Very welcomed since we are in almost drough status. Our lake needed the rain. I am off to the Dr for some tests. (thyroid problem) then home to made a cheese dip for a dinner party tonight. Take care and give the babies a kiss for me.
  • Carol Rea

    I'll say "zoom, zoom, zoom!" Last night he ran over me, the ramp and who knows what else! Lucky Sonny, he had actually ventured down the drive to the poll barn with the boys. He's so darn chubby he was winded coming back up - I think that he needs to do that over and over durning the day, kinda like athletes running the stairs!
  • Roger/Laurie

    Hi, I am a siamese snob! Started when I was 7 and I got my first one Malee, then Kona, Tao and finally BeauBee. BeauBee is the one in the picture with Tenby. He died this year and we really miss him. At the moment we are on a no pet replacement policy.
    My cheese spread is so good, it has grated sharp cheddar, chopped green onions, bacon bits, sliced almonds and just enough mayo for it to stick together.
    Sorry about your goat. My kids raised nubians in 4H and they were a family favorite.
    I have a big art show tomorrow, they are expecting 10,000 people so I am hoping they come ready to buy. I have about 15 framed photos, and my cards. The framed work that doesn't sell goes to a local gallery on Monday. Next week should be a little less hectic.
    Have a good weekend, wish I could just sit and hug the puppies
  • Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    Let's blame it on the dogs!!! LOL.
  • Geri & Sidney

    Hi Jane!
    My friend (friends since we were freshmen in HS, 30 years +) gave me those christmas cards. Cute!
    My birthday is April 10th. I was an Easter Sunday baby :)
    Sidney is doing well. It's a struggle to make him walk on his hurt leg. It makes me feel bad to make him hurt, but I know it's for his own good. I know over time he'll be better. In the meantime I really miss our walks. He was my hiking buddy!
  • Joanna, Rainy and Calvin

    So sorry to hear about Theo. I hope life as a corgi treated him well.
  • Monika Mikolajczyk

    Thank you for the warm welcoming. Your doggies are beautiful :D such happy corgi faces.
  • Rebecca Marie O'Bryan

    Thank you for the comment on my pic:) I sure am enjoying it lol its a lot diffrent from sc and my home state michigan bt its really neat knowing that u can see or vite the white house anytime. Teddy sure enjoys the park on the water he is so happy and trys to jump into the water lol I can't wait for it to snow as I have seen so many pretty pics of the city coverd in snow and then to see teedys bunny butt hop through it to play will be so funny. Also can't wait for spring for the cherry blossem festival. Its what this city is also famous for:)
  • Karen & David Roth

    We just joined corgi.com and are looking around for people with tailed Pembrokes. Stumbled on your page and want to say thank you thank you thank you for not docking! We saw your post from last year wondering if you would be able to sell puppies with tails - we prefer to rescue if possible but if we ever bought from a breeder we would only do so if s/he did not dock. Yay, more Pems with rudders! Maybe someday they will be common enough that the US will go the way of the UK, or at least the AKC will allow Pembrokes with tails to be shown. Breeder blessings upon you!!
  • Ashley and Hazel

    Thanks so much!! :) Wish I could add another pup but apartment regulations don't allow it.
  • Chris Payerl

    Thanks for friending me. I'm not on Facebook, though. I see a couple of corgis with tails around town and they are so cute when they wag their flags! I sometimes think Sophie is at a disadvantage with other dogs since she can't use her tail to communicate like they do. A nub is adorable but I hate to think of how it got that way.
    Sophie loves fall and winter too. Summer is just too hot for her. We just went for a lovely romp in the woods yesterday and she loved crunching through the leaves. How many corgis do you have? It looks like quite a few on your page. Belly rubs to all of them...
  • Chris Payerl

    We were told that she was born in OK, then somehow got to MI. She was turned into rescue in MI and through the rescue group, sent to IL. We picked her up in IL. I suspect that she was being used as a backyard breeding bitch as she was turned in intact with an intact male. She blew a seizure shortly after we got her and has been Dxd w/ epilepsy, which is quite well controlled with meds and diet. Her spay incision was nearly her whole abdomen long; I wonder if she had a S while pregnant and the breeder didn't want to deal with it so turned her in. good thing in a way if it was; not to breed a S dog and WE got her and are able and willing to deal with her health issues. She is a very serious looking little lady; her eyebrow pips are placed in such a way that she often appears slightly worried, even when she's happy. I have to figure out how to work our new printer and see if I can scan and upload a couple of pix of our first corgi, Asta. We had her from a little pup; got her from a breeder. She was one of the last litter she bred and was she a smart little dog! You only had to show her something two or three times and she got it. That was a blessing and a curse rolled into one!!! Sophie isn't quite so clever, but she is very sweet and our little lovebug.
  • Nick Fitzgerald

    Very cute corgis you have!!
  • Karen & David Roth

    Oh, what a beautiful pack o' smilin' Corgis you have!! Such happy babies...you must be a good dogmom.
  • Hana

    March 24.
  • Chris Payerl

    OOPS! Sorry about that! I thought it was you who had sent a message about checking out your FB page. The phone was ringing off the hook, I was trying to fix a last minute crisis at work from home, and wasn't paying enough attention I guess.
  • Chris Payerl

    HaHa! Your husband sounds like mine. When we bought our house, the first thing I wanted was a dog. He had not so hot experiences with the oddball dogs his aunt used to adopt and was not as thrilled with the idea as I was. When he finally agreed, we went to dog shows, the humane society, stopped everyone we met who was walking a dog, etc., to decide what kind of dog to get. He told me it would be my dog and he'd help with it but didn't want to be the primary caregiver. Two weeks after we brought Asta home, he came home from work one day and called out, "Where's my sweetie?" I called back, "I"m in the living room!" He called back, "NOT YOU! I'm talking about the puppy!" Nice!
  • Chris Payerl

    How do you accept a friend request? I don't see where that is. I know I did it before, but now I can't remember where I saw to do it. Forgive an old lady who still likes to write handwritten notes with a fountain pen... I was born in the wrong era!
  • Cynthia Nguyen

    Thanks for the welcome! Your gang is adorable :]
  • Molly & Linda

    What lovely corgis! It must be fun to have so many animals. I love their coloring. We should start a Minnesota Group or is there one already?
  • Karen & David Roth

    Oh, I know, isn't it addictive? I love that place, and I feel less guilty spending money that goes to a good cause. (Plus it's an easy way throw in some charity donations for shelters, spay/neuter programs, etc. They also keep an eye on legislation on dog topics and make it easy to sign petitions and whatnot.) They have great sales on different things all the time, you should get on their mailing list. Everything I've gotten from them has been well made and shipped really quickly.
  • Joanna, Rainy and Calvin

    Rainy is throwing herself into Autumn - and turkey poop! She's going to the groomers tomorrow morning! :)
  • Deb , Gretzky, and Norman

    He most certainly DID find yuck to roll it. Not sure, but I believe it was duck poo. He had an immediate shampoo around his neck and I can still smell it.
  • Ein (owners: Dave and Cali)

    Hi, no the Rott belongs to our friends. He was here for a play date :) Why will your puppies be gone in a few weeks?
  • Katie & GiGi

    thanks for the nice comment! All your corgis are gorgeous! It must be fun to have so many pretty babies (:
  • Anne Adele

    Hi Jane - I can't tell. Are these Pems with tails? or Cardis? (the puppies)