Shockoe "Bottom" Bell


Mechanicsville, VA

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
Hello from Mechanicsville Va! My husband and I have become first time corgi owners this year. Adding Shockoe to our family has been such a wonderful experience so far. He has such a great "ready to meet ya" personality. We have fallen in love with this breed so much that we have a tri color coated male coming in Nov!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Shockoe is a Sable/Red and White Pembroke Welsh Corgi. We got him from a highly recomended breeder at South Haven Farm in Essex, Va. As for our little man's personality you just can't find a friendlier lil' guy. Always ready to say hello to the neighbors, be it person, dog, or cat. (it's his recent goal to plant a wet slobbery kiss on a relative's cat! =P) He's always at our side ready to play or simply brighten up our day.
I have:

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  • Edward and Gemima

    Thanks for signing our guestbook!!!!
  • Paula Wood -

    Thanks for the welcome, its lovely to meet Taffy's cousins. My boy used to chew up everything when he was a pup, years ago. Gee the years pass quickly, so my advice is spend as much time as you can with shockoe Bottom Bell.
  • Charlotte Hoffman

    Thank you for the add! I'm new to this and not really sure how it works. This is my first day on here. I love Corgis and have had four. My Teddy went missing about 2 1/2 years ago. :(
  • CrazyPuppy

    Thanks for adding me :)
  • Brad & Rose & Ein

    He is a good sleeper. Sleeps so funny though!
  • JiEun Lee

    Hi! Thank you for adding me! Shockoe is Nari's first corgi friend in her life! Nari is super friendly too!
  • Avyon

    I'm happy you did! it was so cute :)
  • Debra

    Before I moved to RI, I lived in Roanoke where I had my first Corgi, Jenny. She is now long gone but still special in my heart. Now I have two corgis and find that two are more than twice as much fun. I know that you will enjoy your new baby.
  • Levi Tibbs

    Thanks for the add !!
  • Samantha

    Aw, thanks! Cooper has the same ball as Shockoe in green! He LOVES it.
  • Dessiree Barnes

    Oh what a cute Corgi! <3
  • harlin

    thanx 4 addin me
  • Danielle Turnier

    Your dog is so adorable!!!
  • Danielle Turnier

    Thanks for the comments on Murphy. He is the sweetest dog. He is my big baby! He is also very good at giving the "poor me" sad eyes, lol.
  • Laura Culp Elliott

    Shockoe is so adorable! My Finn is also a sable red/white. They are such an addictive breed! I couldn't convince my husband for a second one, so I am co-owning a red headed tri color female with a friend of mine! LOL Where there is a will, there is a way! I love that you guys have a bit bigger tail nub on Shockoe! Some breeders like to nip them super short and I think that steals some of the personality away. I love their wiggle butts! Have a great one!
  • Mr. Spock

    Shockoe is precious! I especially love the last picture on the left side of the page, where her legs are all splayed out. Isn't it funny how they do that? Mr. Spock, my Cardi does it too. I think it's so they can achieve maximum coolness on their bellies!
  • Mieko Kwiatkowski

    Ohhhhhh How cute Shockoe is! It must be beautiful there. It's the hottest Halloween today!
  • Suzan and Tommie Girl

    I love the first picture. I have one just like that with a ball at that age of my corgi, Tommie Girl. So cute!
  • Trisha Whatley

    Hey guys, Thanks for the welcome. What fun pictures!
  • Jane C

    Shockoe is very cute. Oscar was a bee once for Halloween! Looking forward to the pictures of your new puppy.
  • Samantha Dixon

    Love the Bee costume! Precious!
  • Taylor Vulushic

    He's so cute(: It's funny how they like cats. . . mine does too. Haha.
  • Lorie and Zoe

    Thanks for adding us as your friends! I love the bee costume! Hopefully, he won some kind of prize somewhere for that?? :) Zoe's costume was a 'biker'. My daughter has Build-A-Bear clothes that fit her. :)
  • Sandi Cannon

    Hi Emilee and thanks for wanting to be a friend. I live in southern California just 40 miles north of San Diego and practically right next door to Camp Pendleton. My Kenny loves to go to one of our many dog beaches during the summer. He isn't into swimming, however, he is into digging holes in the wet sand and rolling in it. He always finishes with a pile of wet sand on top of his head and nose and so proud of himself. He also will chase the birds. I meet and walk with a gal who organizes meet-ups here in Northern San Diego County. I have fun with my little man - he has a playful, impish, loving personality.

  • Dawn

    Thanks for inviting us in! Just love Shockoe's pictures, you can tell he's well loved! I promise you'll never have another breed after a Corgi.
  • Christi

    Hi Thanks for adding us as your friends!! Shockoe is so cute. We are first time corgi owners and he is 2 months old! Is it usual for corgi puppies to be really nippy? I think he's just playing but sometimes he gets really carried away!!
  • Christi

    Thanks for the advice, hopefully he too will grow out of it!!
  • CorgiTales

    Thank you for the friend invite! =)
  • Katie

    Congratulations on your new puppy!
  • Edward and Gemima


  • Kathy

    your corgi is so adorable!!!
  • Mochi

    Shockoe is pretty cute! haha, I love it when they lie on the floor! Great pix!
  • Debbie, Sadie & Joey

    We love your new profile picture :)
  • Diane

    Red Ribbon
  • Diane

    Great picture
  • mosesbotbol

    Shockoe looks like quite a happy dog! Camber is a timid prima donna, but beautiful looking.
  • Libby, Deacon & Rugby

    Thanks for the friend request! Shockoe looks like a fun pal!
  • Katie and Yuki

    Can I ask you how or where you got your html coding? I cant decorate my page to save my life please help!!
  • Samantha Kim

    I like his beer bottle chew toys!!! :D Sooo cute!
  • Jackson♥

    HEY! I just figured out that we got our corgis from the same breeder! South Haven Farm, right?
  • Jackson♥

    Beer Bottle, WHAT?
  • Jackson♥

    Jacksons parents are Honey Bear Woofer, and Edward Haynes. So, looks like our corgis are related! JAckson wasn't in exactly in the best health when we go him, he had fleas and worms, so i'm second thinking South Haven. But, at least we have a corgi!
  • Jackson♥

    The irony is, a family was already going to buy Jackson. Its weird to think that Jackson was about to go to another family!
  • Heather and Ella

    Shockoe is a cutie!!! Love the picture of him all flopped on the floor.
  • Heather and Ella

    thanks! A lady at work had bought the hoodie for her dog years ago, but it didn't fit so she just had it in the back of a closet. So I have no idea where it came from. She gave it to me for Ella this week and wanted picts of her in it. So I turned on the fan and put it on Ella just long enough to take picts, lol. It will be handy come winter.
  • Lisa & Precious

    Thanks for adding us as a friend, great pics! These dogs know how to pose, so photogenic!
  • Caitlin Silies

    Thanks for adding me as a friend! You're one of the first!
    I noticed you live in Mechanicsville, VA! My husband's family lives there!
    I'm currently living in Colorado (my home state) But when my husband gets back from his deployment we'll be moving back to Richmond! Small world, eh?
    Oh how I love the internet! :))
  • Sarah and Aimee

    Thanks for adding us as a friend. Shockoe is a cutie!
    Two corgis definitely make it better. Twice the fun! Looking forward to seeing your younger one in Nov.
    We got Sarah 7 years ago and 4 years after Sarah, we got Aimee from the same breeder. They are supposed to be cousins. Sharing the same grandpa.
    It's a lot of fun watching them interacting with each other. I am sure you will, too!
  • Carolyn Flynn

    When I saw Shockoe Bottom I thought Richmond, Va where I was Bell and look forward to bringing home Bonnie and Clyde....we just helped Roper Flynn over the bridge and went back to his breeder in central Fla and picked tow corgis....thanks for hte invite
  • Paul Pejko

    Shockoe is a beautiful Corgi. We have had 3 Corgis and can tell you from experience you've just found your best friend.

    Paul & Rose