Jessica DB
  • Female
  • Flagstaff, AZ
  • United States
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About Me:
Hello! My name is Jessica, and I have a lovely Cardigan Welsh Corgi pup named Lucy. We are fairly new to Arizona and look forward to making friends with corgi dogs and corgi people alike!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
My corgi Lucy is of the Cardigan variety, and loves everyone/everything. She is a bit of a snuggle bug, but also likes to be outdoors exploring, going on a walk, or romping at the dog park. She is still fairly young (born 10/11/13) and is actively learning. She has done Kindergarten and Grade School, and we look forward to starting High School soon. After that, we will see if Lucy is interested in Agility and Herding trials.
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At 2:05am on April 13, 2014, Geri & Sidney said…

Welcome Jessica and Lucy! Sidney competes in Rally-o. It's fun!

At 10:32pm on April 8, 2014, B k said…

That sounds awesome! We'd definitely be interested in meeting at the dog park! We actually took Subie today for her second time, she did fantastic. Way better than the first time! We decided to leave after a, I assume a pitbull puppy came, Subie was scared since she was a biter! (play biting of course, just too rough for Subie!) 

At 7:36pm on April 7, 2014, B k said…

Definitely! We are still introducing Subie to the dog park here, the first time we took her she was terrified of all the big dogs trying to play with her but got too rough, but I'm sure she will be fine with dogs more of her size, since she is fine with the newest addition to our family. We have yet to go to a Corgi meet up, since all of them are in the Phoenix area and we never have time to attend one! I'm fairly new to this site, but Subie and Evo have their own Instagram account! Does Lucy have one? There's a big corgi community on there! :) If so, our username is @apairofcorgis give us a follow, and we will follow back! 

At 10:24am on April 4, 2014, WhiteDove said…
Pupsters on the Rocks!!!!! photo pupstersnIaa_zps9e694256.jpg

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