a picture of Houdini before we adopted him

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Comment by Hilary MacFarlane on August 21, 2010 at 8:13pm
lol It is really cute when they take a bath.
Comment by Nancy Geddes on August 21, 2010 at 8:11pm
Don't you just marvel at the chinny bath??!!!! She would throw herself into the "bathpan" and corkscrew around and around until the pan was emptied of dust. Drove the corgis mad.
Comment by Hilary MacFarlane on August 19, 2010 at 11:18pm
lol My first chinchilla, Houdini (aptly named after the great illusionist and escape artist) is a total brat! He sulks half the time and throws tempertantrums. Typically he'll throw his house all the way down to the bottom of his cage. lol My two new girls are very sweet. They have a huge cage, but insist on curling up in one of the corner practically on top of each other. They do most things together. :) Thanks for the comment!
Comment by Nancy Geddes on August 19, 2010 at 9:01pm
Boy did I have to laugh! My daughter had a silver chinny who managed to escape regularly and feast on the door molding, the edge of my dictionary and there was fine silver hair in the house six months after she moved in with her "husband". Cute little critter though. The corgis were fond of keeping watch over the cage. All the best, Nancy

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