Skittles and Ziggy

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Comment by Zigward & Kimberly on July 2, 2012 at 10:01pm

...:'( Wow. Feels like forever ago. 

Comment by Zigward & Kimberly on March 6, 2012 at 7:26pm

Haha, sighhh.. I wish it was always like this. It's usually nothing more than a meeting of the eyes and if there's any physical contact, more often than not, it's like Twix is going to eat Skittles' face off:P

I am a bit baffled why because apparently he likes cats:/ I think that it may be a jealousy thing with them though, because it only ever happens when I am loving on them both. Twixter got pretty angry earlier because I woke up and was giving him all my attention and Skittles comes strolling in, and rubbing up on me, which led to Twix huffing down from playing with me to pouting and then when I tried to get them next to one another, hoping for another cuddle session, Twixter FLIPPED out on Skittles, bad. Didn't bite him, thank lord, but I thought he might actually that time:(

Comment by iulia on March 6, 2012 at 7:11pm

Oh, I wish this kind of love between felines and canines existed in our household. Chloe tries to be playful and get the cats to chase her. Meanwhile they cast the most demeaning looks her way. There has been occasional swatting as well. No love like portrayed in this picture. I am envious :) 

Comment by Zigward & Kimberly on February 29, 2012 at 1:27am

Yeah it made me SUPER happy when they did this!:) They were cuddling earlier, but that was because I plopped Skiski down next to Ziggy, layed him down and then kinda held him there until he relaxed a little then started to pet them both right after I let go-don't worry, he wasn't scared, just annoyed at me for moving him in the first place. Skittles tried to jump up at first then realized he was getting loves and curled right back up into Ziggy, and since I was also petting Ziggy, he didn't pay attention to Skittles, period!)


I would love to get a hard copy of this.. I may even try to get it made into a blanket!!:D (I think you can do that at Walmart-though I would have to put time into learning how to photoshop so I could make the background cute instead of not.)

Comment by Natalie, Lance &Tucker on February 28, 2012 at 11:33pm

i love have to frame this picture!!!

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