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Comment by Appa and Iroh on January 1, 2013 at 9:41am

oh no :( that is so sad. I'm very sorry to hear that and I can't imagine what those poor owners are going through. 
It absolutely terrifies me when Appa bolts out the door. I don't know what goes through her head. The last dog I had just knew not to go to the road, somehow. We never taught her or anything. And people in our neighborhood fly down the street and pay no attention. So it's a very dangerous game she plays :-/

Comment by Tomi and Story on December 31, 2012 at 12:55am
Sadly, Story's BFF, a blue heeler that she went thru 3 obedience class series with, was fatally struck by a car a few weeks ago. Absolutely heartbreaking. That's one reason why I have been so set in Story learning to 'stay' at the door and not run out. :(
Comment by Appa and Iroh on December 30, 2012 at 10:15pm

aw :( that's sad. We've found a few corgi pals around El Paso but not many and her two besties are moving soon :(. 
One day at the dog park there were an epic 6 corgis at once (unplanned!)--that was pretty impressive and they only played with each other, lol--elitists! 
Appa is small too. She weighs a bit more than Story @ 20lbs (probably 21 or 2 by now) but she was the runt of the litter :). She's long though so I'm thinking she might get a bit taller in the next 3 months.

Comment by Tomi and Story on December 30, 2012 at 8:38pm

That would be so fun, Story does not have any Corgis to play with here.  How big is Appa?  Story is on the small side, she is still only 16 or 17 pounds at 9 months.  BIG personality though!

Comment by Appa and Iroh on December 30, 2012 at 8:00pm

Aw I know, if only Albuquerque and El Paso were a LITTLE closer, lol.  If I'm ever up that way with Appa in tow I'll let you know and maybe we can get the two of them together for a play date! It would be fun! Appa looooves making new corgi friends (and so do I) :)

Comment by Tomi and Story on December 30, 2012 at 7:54pm

Story is also 9 months (3/26/12) but I got her in Colorado.  Funny that you mention Algene though, she was one of the very first breeders that I contacted last December when I first started looking!  Super nice lady.  I contacted so many breeders in Colorado, Texas and Kansas over several months and really connected with a lady in Colorado.  You are so close, yet so far away, LOL!  Wouldn't it be a blast to get the girls together!  I'm never down that way, though :(

Comment by Appa and Iroh on December 30, 2012 at 8:51am

by the way, I saw you guys are from Albuquerque--you didn't happen to get your pup from a breeder in Clovis, NM named Algene did you?? if so--Appa and Story might be related!!!  We just met one of Appa's half brothers about a month ago at the dog park and I was so excited! Not too many corgi breeders around that area it seems (we're in El Paso). Just wondering! :)

Comment by Appa and Iroh on December 30, 2012 at 8:48am

9 months :)

Comment by Tomi and Story on December 29, 2012 at 11:50pm

Such a cutie, I just want to rub those big Corgi ears!  LOL!  How old is she?

Comment by Appa and Iroh on December 29, 2012 at 11:36pm

Aw, thank you! Yes, she is indeed a sable :)

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