The actual summit is the flat shelf to the right of the pinnacle. This was Al's 3rd ascent. 5/20/12. The entire day was on excellent snow. Look straight left of Al's eyes, and you'll see a corniced ridge at the left margin. I glissaded (slid) a few hundred feet down that shaded slope. The little monster refused to follow me! Worse, he was out-of sight behind the ridgeline. I had to climb all the way back up, calling him in growing panic, to retrieve the little sissy and teach him how to glissade all over again. It had been awhile, but it soon came back to him, and he was flying over the downhill snow like a berserk snow-sprite on drugs.

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Comment by Kathy Losacco on June 12, 2012 at 9:48am

Some dogs have more common sense that humans. :)

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