around 7000' on Mt. Daniel. Taking the ice axe was a waste: in the past 10 years, almost all the snow has melted off this mountain. It used to be a snow route. I spoke with several climbers who'd been there years before; all were marveling about how much snow and ice had disappeared.

Views: 141

Location: Mt. Daniel


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Comment by Mendy Miller on November 3, 2009 at 11:30pm
Put this picture on the back of your book, with your authors note! On the front, one of your majestic dog with a breathtaking background.You have so many remarkable photographs, and your knowledge and experience would help many people. I'm sure you have many interesting stories about time on the trail. Get Outward Hound, or Ruff Wear or someone like them to sponser your trips. Go to them with the collars you designer ( get a pattent). Design a harness that dosen't rub. Put those ribbons on a velcrow strip tha will adhear to a nylon collar. You also have a great name to put on equipment- it sounds very rugged. I'm already wanting to buy John Wolfe wear for my dog. You are a fabulous addition to this site!
Comment by Angela on August 26, 2009 at 9:01am
You guys should come on out to Colorado next spring/summer and get some good hikes in here. I am certain you would really enjoy it!

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