Incoming tackle! Simon's gearing up for football season. ;)

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Comment by Anne Adele on November 2, 2010 at 12:31pm
You're right about the Pecan Valley Cardis. My boys are all from the Coedwig Cardigan line. Chester is a son of Carbon.

I noticed from your earlier entries that you got a Nikon camera. Which one do you have? All my shots have been taken with a little point-and-shoot and I'm looking to finally make the plunge with a great DSLR. You really are very talented. What amazes me even more is how you find the time to photograph, run a store, take care of 4 dogs, cats and a horse, show your dogs and train your dogs for herding trials. How do you do it??? What's your secret? I have a web development company and I'm exhausted at the end of the day - and I'm down to one dog!!

I also noticed that your photos have a very even-lighting look to them. Is that because you live in Seattle (where the sun isn't as bright as it is here in Boulder, CO - or are you using flash fill - or both! Keep the photos coming. I love looking at them. I have so many favorites.
Comment by Shepdog on October 26, 2010 at 6:21pm
Oh, thank you! :) On both counts! The boys thank you for the flattery, though! ;) They totally suck that right up!

They're both from Notzmo Cardigans originally -- but if you were to sort of litter them out Simon is from Ozmo, and Caleb from Notts. (They used to Co-kennel and then split up the kennels. Simon's actually by a Pecan Valley dog -- man, those Pecan Valley lines are very distinctive, for sure! I

Your dogs and photos are gorgeous as well! :D Where did your crew come from? :D
Comment by Anne Adele on October 26, 2010 at 12:44pm
Your dogs and your photos are stunning. Where did you get your two dogs?
Comment by Angela Kau-Forsberg on August 16, 2010 at 3:44pm
Has anyone ever told you that Simon makes the most epic faces?

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