Ascending Buck Mt., 8500'+, just east of the Cascade crest. Buck is a high peak, for Washington. That's Mt. Berge behind Al. Our camp is at lower-left. Our subsequent route is shown. Note where I made a routefinding error and got into serious terrain -- 5 or 10' from "home-free", but gosh, this was Class 3-4 rockclimbing with an overnight backpack and a 25 lb. dog, who wasn't having any of it. Dangerous. I admired Al's judgement; he didn't like this and let me know it, reminding me to check my own, and we wisely retreated to safer ground. Most of that blue line is strenuous but safe and fairly easy travel.

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Comment by Laurel B Kirchner on December 13, 2011 at 11:08am

He is a stunningly handsome dog -- the seriousness of the day on his face in this photo.

Comment by Gromit, Sparkle, and Doug on September 23, 2011 at 4:10am
Clearly Al is wise beyond his years.  He knew that if you plunged to your death he'd likely miss dinner. You were right to trust him., John.
Comment by Emily & Scout on September 21, 2011 at 6:44pm
Wow.  Must be so awesome to live out there... The most I've done is the trail up in the Grand Tetons in WY

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