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Comment by Tomahawk and Fences on January 23, 2013 at 12:22pm

She'll be ten months in February. Everyone says that she still looks like she is 5 months old so I suppose it's alright having a perpetual puppy lol. If I get new pictures of the dogs, it's because my bf is constantly taking pictures of them and adding them to his facebook. I've never been good with a camera so I leave it up to him to keep track of their progress. That's a nice campground, I bet Wilson loves running through that green grass lol! I don't even think Tom or Fen have ever been on grass as green as that lol.

Comment by Wilson Waddlepants and Joyce on January 23, 2013 at 12:13pm

How old is Fences ?  Wilson is 17 weeks old.  It does take a bit of time to keep his Facebook page updated, but we have a lot of relatives and friends who want to see what he looks like and how he's doing so that motivates me.  Also, we have an RV Park and Campground that we own and operate in Pikeville, TN and this is the off season so I have a little bit more spare time.  Mountain Glen RV Park & Campground

Comment by Tomahawk and Fences on January 23, 2013 at 12:05pm

He's already 18 lbs!!!!! He is going to be a big boy! Fences hasn't even hit the 20lb mark yet. I still can't get over how much he reminds me of Tomahawk when he was a puppy. I think it mostly stems from having that little spot on his head. I'm going to go take a look at Wilson's facebook page right now. I tried making a tumblr for Tomahawk when we first got him, but we were too lazy keeping it updated lol. 

Comment by Wilson Waddlepants and Joyce on January 23, 2013 at 11:55am

Hey !  I've been so busy taking care of Wilson I forget to visit My Corgi.  I'll post some more pictures.  How are Tomahawk and Fences doing ?   Have you visited Wilson's Facebook page ?  He's so much bigger now than he was in that photo.  He weighs 18 pounds.

Comment by Tomahawk and Fences on January 23, 2013 at 11:47am

Those paws! Nothing can compare to a corgi puppy's feet.

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