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Comment by Christine Glossman on May 17, 2009 at 12:09pm
Go Warhol! Cardis like swimming and they're good at it. I think Pumpkin misses her tropical Key West water since our move to Cannes. It's just getting warm enough for swimming now, and that's only the dog!!
Comment by Warhol on May 17, 2009 at 11:06am
I think it helped that i went into the water first, so he followed and then picked up on what he was supposed to do. He did great and he loved it. If the water was as cold as yours is, i probably wouldn't have gotten in, and neither would he. hehe.
Comment by Natalie, Lance &Tucker on May 16, 2009 at 1:05am
Great Picture of Warhol swimming, Lance is jealous he hasnt been swimming yet!!! lol :O This picture is as close as hes has gotten to water and was too busy smelling all the different smells, didnt even seem like he wanted to jump in. I have to say though he is walking along Lake Superior in the Upper Peninsula, which is VERY cold water, not really great for swimming in, unless its super hot out!!!! This picture was taken approximately 2 years ago!

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