Not a good quality photo but they look so sweet together.

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Comment by Lois B. Allen on October 13, 2012 at 11:54pm

My guess would be that Girlie will assume the maternal role and teach the baby what it needs to know.  I so wish I had had a mama dog when I got Randy.  I have often found that females love to foster a new baby so it will be interesting to see.  Randy is an alpha male and that has its own problems but of course, I love the little devil!

Comment by Wilson Waddlepants and Joyce on October 13, 2012 at 7:07pm

This picture was taken almost two years ago.  Girlie looks more "grown up" now.   Thinking back on when we decided to keep her and brought her into the house, we never gave a moment's thought to how she and Winston would get along.  I mean, Winston had already interacted with her outside, so it's not like it was a sudden thing, but he just accepted her as a new family member like it was nothing.  He was so easy going.  I wonder if a new Corgi will be that way, or more bossy and controlling.  Because being bossy and controlling is definitely a Corgi trait.  It seemed a lot of the time that Winnie would sometimes just do one thing here or there that was controlling, just to prove he could be that way if he wanted to.  Like stealing Girlie's toy, or shoving himself between me and the door to get outside so he could go with me even if the door was only open 5 inches !  Oh, how I miss that.

Comment by Lois B. Allen on October 13, 2012 at 4:47pm

Girlie has small ears like Reese's.  Someone had through Reese was Corgi/Basset but I think it is another hound with smaller ears but there is definitely corgi in Reese.

Comment by Wilson Waddlepants and Joyce on October 12, 2012 at 11:06pm

Girlie strolled into our campground in the summer of 2010 and we decided to adopt her.  Winnie loved her the minute he met her and they got along beautifully. 

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