Ashley Uvina
  • Female
  • Santa Ana, CA
  • United States
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  • Snickmom

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Santa Ana
About Me:
I am a true corgi lover. I just got my first corgi louie and am very excited to experience how he grows up. I am very happy how it is going he means so much to me. I am excited to join a group of people who truly appreciate corgis as much as I do :)
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Louie is my little Pembroke corgi. He is 10 months old and the best dog ever. He loves to swim and go for walks. He is very lovable and loves attention :)
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Comment Wall (3 comments)

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At 10:05am on May 2, 2012, Snickmom said…

Ashley and Louie: there are several ways to find groups. One is to look at the list of groups on the right side of the page. At the bottom, it says View All. Or you can hover your mouse over the word Members at the top, a list will appear, and you can click Groups. Once you are on the groups page you will see a sort box on the right and a search box on the left. If there is a specific key word you are looking for, use the search box. It is also fun to just browse through the list; there are a LOT. A third way to find interesting groups is to look at other people's pages and see what groups they have joined for ones that look interesting to you.  There is a button near the top right of the group page that you need to click to join before you can add a comment. After that you will get emails when someone adds a comment.  Another great feature of MyCorgi is to be able to search discussions. Say you wonder what dog food to buy. Hover your mouse over members and click Forum. Then type key words in the search box to get a million hits on when the subject has been discussed. LOL!  Feel free to ask questions, that's how I learned. If you want to ask a question of a friend without it being public, you can use the inbox on the top right of your page.  Corgi On!


At 7:05pm on May 1, 2012, Snickmom said…

Welcome! be sure and check out all the great groups! there is an Orange county group, a southern CA group and a group for the Huntington Beach corgi meetup. There is probably one for BHT's too. I love the Awkward Little Sleepers, myself. We are in Laguna Hills, maybe we'll see you at the beach or the HB park some time.

At 3:21am on April 25, 2012, Geri & Sidney said…

WElcome Ashley and Louie


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