Ellie Wallis
  • Female
  • Hixson, TN
  • United States
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  • Ann Marie DelFavero
  • Heather and Applejack
  • Lois B. Allen
  • Teresa Gilpin

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Hixson, TN
About Me:
Owner of a 7 year old male Pembroke Welsh Corgi, named Blue. I enjoy reading, gardening, and singing to poor Blue.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Blue is a 7 year old Pembroke Welsh Corgi. He's an only dog (for now) and gets WAY too much love. ;)
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At 3:22pm on May 23, 2013, Lois B. Allen said…

Hi Ellie,  It sounds like you are in a pretty area.  One of the other people I have met on here is from Pikeville, TN.  My boy Randy is a fluff and is also heat sensitive, was just huffing and puffing Monday and Tues. when it was hotter so Tues. and Yesterday, I renewed his clipping and in the mean time, it got cooler here and he ended up being cold last night so I had to put a towel over him and to my surprise, he stayed right there under it

My experience with a cardi is not representative of the breed.  Most people on here with cardis are very happy with them and they are good natured.  The little girl I had - had been preowned and apparently had been abused by the wife.  The husband had wanted the dogs and the wife didn't and she eventually got her way.  When I got little Wendy, she was 16 mo. and very dog aggressive and it was iffy for 6 weeks over whether she would get along with my 2 pre-existing dogs.  I kept her in the end but had to struggle in time but she came to trust me and felt safe and she lived until she was 15.  When I had her spayed, the vet said that she had apparently had been kicked because the ovary and ligaments and tendons on one side were necrotic, poor baby, no wonder she looked so skinny and sickly.  Well, she got to looking a lot better after.  I brought a baby Pem after my older dog died and Wendy was thrilled as she had her own baby to "raise" and boss around.  They were good buddies but until I moved to my current smaller townhouse, she used to fight the neighbor dogs through the chain link fence and ended up having some teeth pulled in later years.  but she was so insecure that she would wedge herself in a U shaped area between my TV stand, floor speaker and love seat so she was protected on 3 sides.  She was safe and happy there but had emotional trauma when we moved to the "little" house on the street.  She really didn't like those other dogs on her street but got better but still spent a lot of time barking at the front windows.  Of course, Randy and Reese also spend a good deal of time barking at those windows these days!!!  Dogs seem to think that they own all the land that they can see!!

Natalie of (Lance and Tucker) had the cardi first but he has been ill some but they got a young pem and eventually the boys got along.  So I think members would say cardis and pems go together.  Of course, they have their own personalities regardless of breed.

It seems that summer may be starting here.  From what you say, it gets pretty warm where you.  We will have to take it as it comes.  ttyl, Lois

At 5:08pm on May 14, 2013, Teresa Gilpin said…

Blue is a gorgeous corgi!  I am glad he gets lots of lovin'!   He looks like he is a very happy corgi!

At 4:06pm on May 14, 2013, Lois B. Allen said…

Ellie, I'm so glad you joined MyCorgi.  I love seeing the pics of all the different corgi "looks".  I love them no matter the sex, coloring or what ever.  I have a 2.5 year old male and a possible mix.  Approximately, where is Hixson?  I grew up in KY but live in AL now.

At 2:04pm on May 11, 2013, WhiteDove said…
 photo corgipaws5template4.jpg
At 2:50am on April 26, 2013, Geri & Sidney said…

Welcome Ellie and Blue!


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