Hi my name is Jeffrey Stoffer! I'm a childrens librarian and a film maker. I currently run a blog for my Corgi Buddy and run a YouTube account. http://www.youtube.com/jeffreyStoffer Most of my other movies are at my libraries YouTube account feel free to check them out too. http://www.youtube.com/akchinlibrary
Buddy is a 5 year old Tri Color Pembroke Corgi. I adopted him from the Corgi Rescue at the end of February in 2013. He is also a reader dog. What’s a reader dog? A reader dog is a super hero of sorts. He reads with children and makes them feel comfortable about reading out loud to someone. A reader dog doesn't point out mistakes or judge a child on his.her reading ability. You can follow Buddy's adventures at: http://readerdog.wordpress.com/
HI Jeff! It took Sidney a few visits before he figured out what he was supposed to do. Sid is very treat-oriented so I would bring a few small treats in my pocket and reward him when he sat quietly and let the child pat him. Our library program ended at the end of last year and we are waiting to join the team in a neighboring community. In the meantime, we do visits to the three different colleges during finals week for de-stress sessions. College kids LOVE corgis!
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Welcome to My Corgi Jeffrey and Buddy! How cool, a reader dog? Daisy over here is jealous . . . stuck with being a therapy corgi. xD

A reader dog? How interesting! Welcome to mycorgi, Jeffery.
HI Jeff! It took Sidney a few visits before he figured out what he was supposed to do. Sid is very treat-oriented so I would bring a few small treats in my pocket and reward him when he sat quietly and let the child pat him. Our library program ended at the end of last year and we are waiting to join the team in a neighboring community. In the meantime, we do visits to the three different colleges during finals week for de-stress sessions. College kids LOVE corgis!
WElcome Jeffrey and Buddy. Sidney is a therapy dog and is part of our local "Paws to Read" program.