Mark Curtis
  • Male
  • Marietta, GA
  • United States
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About Me:
Kymball rules the househpld....
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Kymball. One year old. Came from Caldwell Idaho. She is the tenth family Corgi.
I have:

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At 7:51pm on August 20, 2010, Keri&Merlin(Judy&Alan's Pups) said…
Hey,Mark.We took the trailor up to the gold country and I didn't get to the computer lately.
Did the corgi find a home while I was gone?sure hope so.It always amazes me some of the people that get involved with dogs!alot of egos can get in the way!take care.
At 3:32pm on August 8, 2010, Keri&Merlin(Judy&Alan's Pups) said…
good to see your involved in trying to help that little girl corgi in Ga.concerned about ypur notes on the director of the shelter!!Do you think Shelly could help from double dog?Last Chance seems like a good group.Take care!
At 2:47pm on June 11, 2010, Keri&Merlin(Judy&Alan's Pups) said…
hey mark!thanx for the fast response!we also started early in 1962 with corgis.remember when peolple didnt know what the breed was?our first boy was a tri & we'd hear all kind of wierd stuff like short shepard folks had a bundock corgi about the same time disney used the kennel for the movie little dog lost.that started the ball rolling!!we've had
fairy glenn corgis,nebriowa corgis,we now have 2 adorable pups from a small kennel in oregon called winterflower farms.great lady named cheryl,an actualfarm that raises corgi and min.horses.great combo!!
At 2:18pm on June 11, 2010, Keri&Merlin(Judy&Alan's Pups) said…
welcome mark!!ah,a fellow lifetime corgi person!!we did stray from the breed for awhile,but
we're back with a vengeance!!our 2 pups are both under 2 yrs.a nosy question,are you the mark custis that used to live in the san francisco bay area?welcome!!
At 9:19am on May 14, 2010, Wendt Worth Corgi's said…

At 9:36pm on May 11, 2010, Tammey & Caven said…

At 8:44pm on May 11, 2010, Darlene Hennessy said…
Welcome Maark and Kymball... how beautiful your corgi!
At 11:41pm on May 10, 2010, Geri & Sidney said…
Welcome Mark and Kymball!

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