Hi! I was born, raised and currently live in State College, Pa (known to everyone else as the home of Penn State). Nugget is my first Corgi.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
This is Nugget. She was born Sept. 9, 2007 and comes from Ceder Valley Stables. She now has an "Uncle Shep" (my parents dog). He is a yellow lab, very big for his age and she can make him role over with the lift of an eyebrow!
Hello:) Yes Raylee just told me thursday, so i thought i'd check it out.Nugget is really cute too. We will have to tell Ray to bring me up or something soo i can bring Sukee:)
Oh my gosh!! Did she ruin the coats?? Yikes! Some corgi's have springs!! I'm not too worried that she'll jump the gate or "fence" if we put up a standard one, but my husband is. We found one at Fosters & Smith that I think we're going to try, it's about 38" and has extensions to fit the area. I didn't want to fence her off in the kitchen at all b/c the fence would always be there, in our way, and it wouldn't look pretty. Oh well, beats her peeing on the bed and crating her all day.
Hi Meghan! We got Jillie in South Carolina, where we live now! Sorry I can't be much help in finding breeders in PA. Are you a BIG Nittany Lions fan? Our son played college football, in fact he was asked to attend a few of their camps.
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Nugget is adorable!

what upYour little one is adorable!