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Pippin's Discussions

How do you teach a Corgi not to herd people?

Started this discussion. Last reply by Kaleena Feb 20, 2008. 4 Replies

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Pippin's Page

Profile Information

North Bend, WA
About Me:
This is our first Corgi. We are all hopelessly in love with him. What a cutie!
So funny and smart. But also a pill, when he wants to be... :)
About My Corgi(s):
Pippin in four months old now. I'm trying to teach him not to herd people!
Is there any way to discourage him from following our heels, growling, and nipping? How can we make him understand that we're not cattle?

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At 11:52am on September 23, 2011, Newman said…

Hi Pippin!  Come join our new group, Tolkine Corgis! http://www.mycorgi.com/group/tolkien-corgis

At 11:49am on March 6, 2008, NoClaws4Alarm said…
Oh...just noticed you are in Washington! My hubby and our corgyn are planning on moving there in the next few years. Any tips on good areas and where to avoid?
At 11:48am on March 6, 2008, NoClaws4Alarm said…
That's awesome... I loved his solo in the movie!
At 9:25pm on February 23, 2008, WhiteDove said…
OMG. . .I just found something on my computer that reminded me of Pippin. . .it's Pippin from Lord of the Rings Return of the King singing. . .check it out. it's very cool. . .

At 11:08am on February 23, 2008, WhiteDove said…
aaahhhh. . .Pippin he is sooo adorable. . .my Cloe just turned 7 mths. . .she's still my little baby. . .lol
At 10:05am on February 23, 2008, Ginny and Diggory said…
Look at that adorable little guy! I love watching them sleep. Very cute!
At 7:22am on February 17, 2008, Cindi said…
Welcome Pippin! Corgis have a way of wrapping their little paws around your heart.
At 9:22pm on February 16, 2008, Sam Tsang said…
Welcome Pippin!
At 7:55pm on February 16, 2008, Corgi Mom said…
LOL! Welcome to the group! Pippin is just absolutely adorable! Hope to see more pictures of Pippin soon. About the herding - enroll him in Puppy Class and as he learns basic obedience and manners you will have more control to teach him not to herd you. Herding is something that is hardwired into corgis but it can be curbed. Good luck.
At 5:04pm on February 16, 2008, ♥ AdEle said…
Cute.. he has similar marking like our Kissy.
Welcome !

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