Sheila + Mark Vanderbilt
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Sheila + Mark Vanderbilt's Discussions

rewcue from puppy mlll

Started this discussion. Last reply by Ziska Childs Aug 13, 2008. 5 Replies

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Palm City FL
About Me:
We adopted Oliver in Feb 2002 from the Humane Society thanks to a friend who knew we wanted a Corgi. She was at the HS the day that Oliver was dropped off by former owner and called us immediately. We rushed over and talked them into letting us have him before he was even seen by a Vet. We actually took him to the Vet ourselves for his initial checkup.
About My Corgi(s):
Oliver - 2/14/99 - 12/12/07
PEMBROKE WELSH CORGI, red and white - A HANDSOME, HANDSOME BOY. What a happy boy he was, greeted everyone with a smile and then immediately rolled over for a good belly rub. He loved walks, rides in the car, a good game of tug of war with the rope and especially a ' brush'. He was such a mild, gentle and well mannered boy. When I took him to PETCO, he would walk down the aisles, sniffing all of the bones, pigs ears and hooves, but never, never once did he open his mouth to pick anything up. In June 2007, Oliver just stopped eating, and was diagnosed with Lymphoma. We did have Pet Ins and he began 5 months of Chemo. During that time He was very happy and lived a relativly normal life. In Nov, he completed his treatment, and by mid Dec, he again stopped eating. Tests showed the cancer was in his organs, and on 12-12 we said good-bye to our boy. We both miss him terribly, and I still cry when I think about him or speak about him. Oliver was our Forever Dog and will live in our hearts forever.

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At 7:21pm on August 13, 2008, Anne said…
So sorry to hear about Oliver. These corgis and all dogs bring so much joy to our lives. We have to hold on to the memories and love. They never stay with us long enough...
At 7:24am on April 26, 2008, WhiteDove said…
Hello Sheila. . . .thank you for your story about your beloved Oliver. . .I can't imagine what you and Mark must be feeling as I still have my 3 lovely fur babies. . .I cried reading about Oliver and I'm still crying as I write this. . . .I hope you will consider getting another baby, not to fill Oliver's place, I don't think any other baby can do that, but to have another companion in your lives. . .there are so many out there looking for loving and caring homes and it sounds like your home would be ideal for all the love you can give him or her. . . .thank you for joining our family and sharing your Oliver with us. . . .
At 11:55pm on April 25, 2008, Sylvia & Timmy said…
Oliver lived a wonderful and happy life in his forever home and still lives on in your hearts everyday. One day he will help you find another pup to bring more smiles.

Welcome to MyCorgi. This is a group of corgi nuts that have assembled thousands of photos and lots of videos for you to peruse. Thanks for joining us, hope you can share some pictures of that wonderful boy with us soon.

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