Thanks so much for the "last" of the litter, "Bleu" Diamond is fitting in well and went to Petsmart and a walk this morning with his big brother Corgi - Kendal. All are doing well. Chris & Randy
That's where I got Pengu!!! A lady named Georgia like 50 miles outside of Austin?! I found her on the Texas Welsh
Good Luck finding homes for the babies!!
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Thanks so much for the "last" of the litter, "Bleu" Diamond is fitting in well and went to Petsmart and a walk this morning with his big brother Corgi - Kendal. All are doing well. Chris & Randy
I left you a VM and email, my husband and I are interested in seeing your puppies. We have been considering a 2nd Corgi. Give me a call. Chris

Welcome to the group, so glad you could join us!Good Luck finding homes for the babies!!