Will Smith
  • Coolidge, KS
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Welsh Corgi Breeder?
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At 5:08pm on August 7, 2009, Jennifer Jo Merritt said…
HI will,
I am from Huntsville and my family is still there. I have 2 Corgis and they need homes. Let me know if you are still looking. I will be coming to Huntsville next weekend and would be happy to bring a puppy. I have some pics on my photos and i can send you more.
At 8:12am on April 22, 2009, Jennifer Jo Merritt said…
HI Will,
My name is jennifer and this is my son johnny in the photo with one of my 4 new pups. I am from Huntsville and i have just recently moved to Citronelle. Close to Mobile. Anyway, i will be travelling to see family in May and June in Huntsville. So if you still want a pup let me know the i will send some pics. I have always listed my pups in the Huntsville and Decaur papers so, sorry that we never got together. Also, the friend of mine that I got Lola from lives in Athens. She has pups now also.
At 12:42pm on January 29, 2009, The Littles said…
Hello! and Welcome! You should go to www.pwcca.org and the click on members/breeders it will take you to s search that you the click in which state you're in and will show you reputable breeders. Since you're so close to Tennessee you can use Al and Tn in your search. Hope that helps. I got my girl from Kay Cox she's the first listed on pwcca and has been a member since 1991, but there are closer breeders to you then her.
At 12:39am on January 22, 2009, Joanna Hubbard said…
Meeting their Corgis matters a lot. Far too easy for folks to say things but the proof is in seeing how their dogs interact with other dogs and new people. I met lots of owners and breeders with snappy dogs and the "my dog can't play with other dogs" or "my dog doesn't like new people" became all to frequent a comment. While you can do lots with socialization once you get your puppy, if it spends its first 9 weeks with someone who thinks any of the above is ok, you are already behind the ball. The breeder I eventually chose works with the puppies a lot and is very hands on after, she has been a great support as I've learned to be a dog owner. Start by figuring out what you want in the way of temperament and activities you might want to do with your dog (several corgi books out there to give you a general breed idea) and then keep that firmly in mind when you meet breeders and their dogs. They are all so cute it is hard to think straight when you see fuzzy puppies!
At 1:15pm on January 18, 2009, Miyuki said…
I see you're a Cowboy Bebop fan too. My husband first saw that show and had to have a Corgi. Now we're so happy because it's such an amazing breed. We got a girl so we couldn't call her Ein, so we settled for Miyuki (Japanese for beautiful snow) since we got her in the snow and she loves jumping through it :-)
At 12:24am on January 18, 2009, Joanna Hubbard said…
I spent nearly a year meeting with breeders and talking to them about their practices raising pups and the traits they consider when breeding. What are key Corgi points vary greatly breeder to breeder. It also helped me clear up what I wanted from my dog. It paid off in spades as I ended up with just the right breeder and line for me - and then got totally lucky with the one perfect girl of the litter!
At 10:59pm on January 17, 2009, John Wolff said…
You might look for a Pem with a tail. That was our original intent. I love the Pems with tails you see in northern Europe (where docking is illegal). But it turns out that good breeders are breeding for show, and you can't ask a breeder to save a pup with a tail for you, because a good breeder can't decide which pup to show or which pup is best for you until they're practically 12 weeks old. I'm hoping they'll just decide to shove the docking thing someday soon.

Sometimes I wish my dogs had longer legs -- I usually catch myself just in time; gotta be careful what you wish for, they can already walk as far in a day as I can -- and I live in a big city (Seattle), I don't have a ranch like they deserve, so the small size can be a plus -- I don't need as big a yard, don't have to pack as much food in my backpack, and I can occasionally carry them over obstacles.
At 7:43pm on January 17, 2009, Mister Jack said…
Welcome to My Corgi!

I love your icon of Spike. :D
At 10:52am on January 17, 2009, Wendt Worth Corgi's said…

At 6:15pm on January 16, 2009, Sam Tsang said…
Welcome to MyCorgi.com!

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