Matt and Edmond's Blog (2)

Edmond, The Count of Monte Christo, has come home!

He is such a sleepy puppy, but this makes crate training a breeze. He whined once for 20ish minutes, I put it headphones and read a book, and he passed out. Other than that he has had once accident (he found a piece of paper, since he was used to newspaper, easy cleanup lol) and is such a doll. I am thrilled to have him with me, and I LOVE finally having a male of my own (the last male in my family I was only 6 or 7). 



After 5 years of waiting my…


Added by Matt and Edmond on July 12, 2011 at 5:48pm — 4 Comments

We went to the Lake Proctor beach today, and had the entire thing to ourselves.

We ate clay and decided it wasn't that great, tried on Winnie's Corgi Floatation Device, AKA the "Corgmarine," and learned that FRAPing on sand is 10 times more fun!


Added by Matt and Edmond on June 24, 2011 at 4:39pm — 5 Comments

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