Today we took Sidney out to have an instinct test for herding sheep. We were really excited and curious to see if Sid would know what to once he got into that pen with creatures he had never seen before in his life.

My daughter got into the pen with Sid and three sheep. That's her in the video. After Sid took a few moments to take in the glorious smells that were there. he actually took off after those sheep! He'd bring one back when it broke off from the other two, and took the group in a circle around my daughter. It was really interesting and we were told we could come back and work with him some more to increase his confidence. We're planning to get Sid into either agility, herding or therapy work, depending on what he shows an ability for. Since agility is delayed until around March, we just might go back and try to learn more.

Sorry the video wasn't great. It was my first time using this new camcorder but I liked learning to use it. Yay, new technology!

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Comment by Christine Glossman on January 9, 2009 at 8:09am
Great video, and I just love the song. Thank your husband for sharing this. Sidney is a natural herder, no fear! and so happy to have a job to do.
Comment by Ju Lo on December 2, 2008 at 3:20pm
Agility, herding, or therapy, I'm sure Sidney would be great at all 3! He is acting, smart, and truly a sweet tempered pup. He's lucky to have owners who are so willing to do so many activities with him. :)
Comment by Stephanie & Lola on December 1, 2008 at 12:52am
Awwww what an awesome video =) Sid did and a great job and looks so happy!! Lola loves herding the little Pomeranian's at the park but she would definitely be scared of sheep haha
Comment by Wendt Worth Corgi's on November 30, 2008 at 11:25pm
O'my gosh..I love the song and love it more now that I know the title to it. LOL Perfect!! He did great for his first time. Sure is great exercise for him. This will be great for you daughter to get involved w/as well. She might be the next leading Corgi herding trainer w/multiple Champions under her belt. Good luck.
Comment by Geri & Sidney on November 30, 2008 at 10:49am
Thank you! Sidney really did look happy, and he was one tired pup that night.

My husband put this video together as a surprise for me, and he's the one that found the song. I just love it! He found it on iTunes. That song is by Nancy Simmonds, "True Prince Of Wales (Welsh Corgi)". It comes from a series of CDs that have dog songs on them.
Comment by Cindi on November 30, 2008 at 10:23am
Awesome. Where in the world did you find that song?
Comment by Ginny and Diggory on November 30, 2008 at 9:27am
I loved it! Sid looks SO happy! He sure seems to like going for those sheep! I would love to try herding with Ginny someday...
Comment by Nancy Geddes on November 30, 2008 at 8:49am
We were able to find a fabulous herding instructor both near Virginia Tech and now home in Tidewater, Virginia. Sid and your daughter could find this a very rewarding activity. My eldest corgi and I enjoy learning herding! All the best, Nan
Comment by Lou Ann Lemaster on November 30, 2008 at 7:54am
Sid looks like he had a great time! A pure natural herder! I've always wondered whether Duncan would naturally herd sheep, but the closest place we have is a 3 hour trip. Pretty long for just about a twenty minutes test.

I've seen another video about a corgi's first time in a pen with sheep. At first the corgi, was kinda scared, and the owner sorta ran the dog behind the sheep for a minute when....CLICK....the lightbulb went on as to what they were suppose to do with the sheep. It amazes me that a lot of corgis seem to naturally know to start herding.

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