Hi All
I never posted before but needed some comfort. After 1 year of all family members getting bitten badly, 2 trainers, 2 behaviorists, vet checks, meds and many scary growling incidents at other people we had no choice but to bring our beloved corgi back to the breeder who then euthanized him. Needless to say rescue would not take him nor could he be re-homed.
We made the difficult decision after the last violent attack which lasted for a good part of an hour. Our home became an unsafe place and we and the experts believe he was not well.
Regardless, I am so sad and can't stop crying. I keep doubting myself and wonder if we had done something different if he could've lived out his life. I don't know how to get over this guilt and grief. He was a wonderful little guy with a great personality until these episodes occurred which were becoming more frequent and intense. Also, they started as early on as 3 months.
In trying to decide whether to get another corgi I am wondering if most of you had an easy time training your corgi. I'm wondering if we would always second guess ourselves with another one.
Thanks for listening. This is so hard.

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Comment by Mai on March 2, 2013 at 4:01am

When you said his last attack lasted for a good part of an hour, who or what was your dog attacking for that long of a time?  I'm very curious about it because reading that sentence, I'm just imagining a scene like out of Cujo where you've got yourself barricaded away with the dog on the other side attacking or something along those lines.

Is your breeder offering another corgi in replacement for your dog that was euthanized? Is that the reason why you're considering another corgi? 

I think all dogs are trainable no matter the breed.  Some breeds are just easier to train than others.  With consistent training and following through with disciplining, the desired behaviors should be achieved no matter what breed of dog it is. 

I don't think you'll second guess yourself but, I think you might second guess the new dog's actions.  A playful lunge by the new dog might be seen as an attack to you because that's what the previous dog did. 

You also didn't mention how much experience you yourself have with dogs/dog training.  With 2 trainers and 2 behaviorist I'm sure you know the basic trainings.  I'm a complete novice at training but, with reading books and watching youtube videos, I'm slowly learning. 

Comment by Priss, Charlie & Kaylee (PK) on March 2, 2013 at 12:49am

I am so sorry for your loss. You obviously tried everything you could think of. Please try not to blame yourself.

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