Is this normal for my corgi pup? In the past 3 weeks, he has chewed on the trim in 2 places in the house through the paint down to the wood........ chewed a hole in the linoleum by the front door down to the concrete (in like 7 minutes!!!)............ severed 2 (not live) wires of electrical accessories....... destroyed a laptop charger (again, not plugged in at the time).

I've responded by excersizing him more, trying to teach him more fun tricks, reaffirming obedience through 'walking nice' and 'waiting' and 'come!', etc etc. Pretty much, I've been giving him loads of attention and trying to switch up our activities together.

ONE THING THOUGH!!!!!!! If he has a bone that he likes, he will sit and chew the bone for hours and hours, paying no attention to me, wires, chargers, or floor trim! But he hardly likes any bone I give him....

Thanks for the advice. To answer some of your questions...
Eddy is 8 months old and crate-trained. We say "CRATE." and in he goes when we leave the house or sleep. He has destroyed all of these things only when we are home! It takes him just a few minutes. I was really posing this question because he only recently started this behavior, and to make sure my dog isn't weird, depressed, or pent up or something. It sounds like most everyone's corgi -especially puppy- has destroyed some furniture or trim.

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Comment by Corgi lover! (Misty) on September 21, 2009 at 3:45pm
I completely understand! What hasn't Chesney chewed She has gotten better since being crated when unsupervised but every once in a while she'll chew on one of the kids' stuffed animals as soon as I walk out of the room for 2 I don't even give her stuffed animals because I didn't want her to think that the kids' toys were for her. Apparently that didn't I'll have to look into those antlers!!
Comment by Nancy Geddes on September 21, 2009 at 3:29pm
We are so excited! We showed NanMom that genuine Elk antler sheds were on eBay! She has some on the way just for us! Bear, Tasha and Linus
Comment by Aj on September 21, 2009 at 3:16pm
During Ein's puppyhood, Ein has chewed on the bottom of our new couch too, but found out that he was trying to get at the toy that was underneath. He even bit off a part of the exterior wall of the house once! I too recommend antler chews. I bought a small antler online in December '08 for less than $10 and it's barely starting to wear down. I'd say it's the best $10 I've ever spent on him.
Comment by Zach and Lisa on September 21, 2009 at 3:00pm
Midas loves antler chews. It is just a deer antler not treated or anything at all. If you find one with felt intact that's great! I've been looking and have yet to find one. But the antler chews are supposed to be great. They don't splinter, swell in the tummy, get gummy, smell, or anything that you would need to worry about, They take a long time to chew away. And they have marrow inside. Very natural, Midas loves his. We always get the large of extra large so it will last about 3-6months. The only thing I hate is that they are only available online. If you go into a store they look at you like you're nuts when you ask if they carry any. Good luck!
Comment by Ashley Kelty on September 21, 2009 at 2:36pm
I can personally recommend you find him a raw bone. If you can find one at a pet store, then more power to you. If not, I would recommend calling a butcher and seeing what you can do to get some raw bones. They're the best when they have a bit of meat or fat on them. Miso loves hers, she'll chew on it for hours! I freeze it in between chewing times, and I'll only leave it with her for an hour or so (at least until she gets the fat and meat off of it!), so it's also a nice cold treat!
Comment by Karen Dadisman on September 21, 2009 at 2:32pm
If he is left out while you are gone and is doing these things, crate him when you can't supervise him. You don't say how old he is, but if he's under a year or year and a half, I wouldn't trust him alone without being crated or at least confined in a dog proof room. Crate training isn't hard and sure makes it easy to leave them home alone. It is much safer for them than getting into who knows what when you are not there. They learn to like their crate as long as you don't use it for punishment. Put a bed in it and give him a treat in it when you leave. Leave him for short intervals to start and then increase the time he's there. He will be just fine even if he fusses when you first start the training. His fussing is certainly better than coming home to a dead or injured pup or your house destroyed.
Comment by Jennifer Markley on September 21, 2009 at 2:29pm
Unfortunately yes. Seanna chewed our brand new couch two weeks after we got it...but in her defense their was a rawhide under it she was trying to reach....Seanna loves rawhides--have you tried the flavored ones? She doesn't get in to as much trouble chewing if I give her one every couple of days...

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