It has always been my understanding that Corgi's were outgoing and generally brave dogs. I recently adopted 5 month old Charley, and am having some real trouble getting her to do anything outside of my bedroom where she sleeps and eats. I worry that she is too comfortable here, so I have been getting her aquanted with the rest of the house and my roommates two pitbulls. She loves the Pits, and they love her back, but it seems to me that everything else scares her to death. When we go outside she sits down and shakes violently and doesnt respond to her name or tugging on her leash. She wont take treats and as soon as she has an opening, she runs back to th stairs to go back into the house. What kinds of things can I do to help her gain a little confidence and not shy away from any and everything including water bottles and normal noises around the house? If anyone knows any tricks or training aside from just trying to make her comfortable in her environment that would help her, please let me know!

Thanks so much,
Sean McCollum

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Comment by Sean McCollum on November 18, 2009 at 7:49pm
I have, and I have made time for Charley to play with another Corgi her age who has attended the puppy classes. I imagine with time, and as she gets a little bigger (shes small for 5 months) and used to her new home, she'll open up.
Comment by Kathryn Graham on November 18, 2009 at 7:01pm
Charley is a lovely girl! I wonder if something frightening occurred before you got her that she associates with the outdoors, sudden noises, etc. It could be with time and your care (and gentle introduction to things outside) that she'll do much better. When Madoc went to puppy kindergarten, the instructor was wonderful with the shy dogs, and I thought they really blossomed with the socializing under her guidance. Have you thought about a class?

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