So, I took Bella with me to Pet Smart for the first time today and here's how it went... One lady that worked there came over to see Bella and asked if she was my first corgi (yes) and if I knew anything about the breed (now I'm sure there are people that would buy a dog without knowing anything about it but I was a little insulted as I've been researching them for over a year--but she didn't know that) She then asked if she started herding things yet (told her not too much), asked if I had her in classes yet (no-wasn't sure if I was going to or not as she's doing pretty well) and that was that. As we were leaving another woman that worked there came over and was so happy to see a corgi. In one motion she says she has to show her to someone and picks her up and wisks her away to the Grooming window. The guy inside grooming apparently breeds corgis so she wanted him to see her--no big deal. She comes back and as she hands me Bella, Bella barks at her (I'm thinking Bella was telling her "Don't steal me away like that again!") So, she aggressively trys to get me to sign up for puppy classes. The first woman comes over and she tells her "She needs classes, she already tried to bite me" and they proceed to tell me I have to get her in class because they're a very strong-willed breed, blah blah blah. I told her I'd talk to my husband and took her paperwork and we left and now I'm feeling a little put off by her aggressive behavior. I think there's someone on here that works for Pet Smart and I'm sure there are people on here that have taken the classes so I'm wondering what you guys think. I'm not sure if I'm even going to bother with puppy classes because Bella is doing very well with all her commands (can sit, give paw, "up", lay down, come, stay, walks well on the leash, learned her "bite-control", etc). I know she can learn socialization skills in class but she is around other dogs, cats, and other animals all day long at home, I also take her to parks and public places where there are strange dogs. So, as I want to do what's best for her I also don't want to spend $100 and commit myself to 8 weeks of classes if we're not going to learn anything we don't already do here. That sounds selfish, huh? What do you guys think?

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Comment by Sam on May 14, 2008 at 6:13pm
This sounds like an experience I would not wish to repeat. Never would anyone take my dog. I have no doubts you were caught off guard and just didnt know what to say! Anyone who would take anothers dog and do what they wish shows me they have lots to learn. I a big supporter of training classes. I personally do not like PetSmart training classes as there just isnt enough space to work on the things I find important. You will find good and bad instructors wherever you may go. I always recommend that you go a watch a class in session with the instructor you are considering. See if they use positive reinforcement, see if they are kind to the dogs, see if the classes are over crowded. See if they "require" a certain type collar. Learn what their syllabus is and what they intend to teach. The answers to these questions will help you choose what is best for you. Some causes for red flags would be "required" collars as each dog and handler are an individual. This should be recommended based on what the instructor sees. A facility that will not let you visit a class in session, one that has too many dogs for the training area and one that "corrects" dogs harshly or allows their students to do so. Best of luck.
Comment by Dawn on May 14, 2008 at 5:41pm
Thanks for all the comments, they were helpful. I think for now I am going to wait on it, as I can always take her later. The one thing she did say that caught my attention was about taking my kids with me. I have a 9 year old son that I'd like to have go with us so maybe when schools out...I believe the local community college offers puppy classes so I'll maybe look into there since I believe that woman is the one that teaches the class. We'll see....thanks so much everyone!
Comment by Arang&Mark on May 14, 2008 at 5:21pm
what petsmart did to you was unprofessional. also, like suresh said, if someone just picked up my dog like that i would probably yell at them and at their manager; if they work at petco and around so many dogs as well as their owners, they should know better. Also, at my petco i have noticed a lack of discipline among the trainers. the one i transferred to goes by the book and teaches everythign from sit to leave it. the latter being especially important for me so he doesnt eat random things and get sick. the other trainer doesnt believe that dogs have pack mentality and spent the good part of the hour doing more talking than training which irritated me.
Comment by Suresh on May 14, 2008 at 3:22pm
I'm currently taking the PetSmart classes with Roscoe, and I like them. He gets to socialize and I learn the basics of training. He's doing pretty well. I'd make sure you get in a class with a trainer you're comfortable with. I wouldn't like one run by whoever picked up your pooch and walked away with it - that wouldn't be cool with me, if they didn't ask my permission first.
Comment by mikonami on May 14, 2008 at 3:09pm
Just don't go to Petco. No one told me and in 5 weeks all we learned was sit, down, and shake.
Comment by Sam Tsang on May 14, 2008 at 2:51pm
He he he, sounds like the staff got carried away there :) I think they meant well, may be a little strong as you said. I've been through all classes by petsmart and received CGC through them, every store is different and some may have several trainers, so give them a chance too. Our member Cindi works at petsmart as a trainer. I think the socialization part is well worth the money, we thought we didn't need it for our 2nd corgi vienna because we already did all that with Mocha - our 1st corgi, but we eventually did enroll her in class, because she was well behave at home, but not so well, when both of them are together, they worked in packs and boss around other dogs at the park, so we took them both to class and worked on it together. Our trainer was fantastic, my wife and I had questions for her all the time, we even drop by the store during off days. I think with a formal class, you get to socialize with other dog owners who may be going through the same thing, you learn from one another's mistake and form friendship, who knows, may be you'll find a dog park buddy there :)
Comment by Charlie on May 14, 2008 at 2:28pm
If you are comfortable teaching the basic skills, I wouldn't worry about it. I'm training Charlie on the basics at home and I get him out a lot to socialize. He will have his skills "assessed" when we are ready to start in advanced obedience and agility classes. I do think that basic classes are quite worthwhile to anyone who has not trained a dog before, or who has not been through a formal class.

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