Time flies when you're having fun :) We now have 1000 members in just 8 months!

We just want to thank everyone, for sharing your corgis with us.

Thanks to all the members who contributed and help out our other fellow members, you have pass on great knowledge! We receive notes from members raving about how friendly this site is all the time :)

Thank you for all your pictures and videos, they're very entertaining, there's nothing like coming home from a hard day's work and discover something new, they always bring us smile :)

Thank you for sharing your happy and not so happy days with us, this is what a community is all about, sharing joy and support one another through tough times.

Okay, a few site stats for those who enjoy numbers:

21K visits per month
171K page views per month
11919 pictures uploaded
436 videos
765 Forum Topics
560 Blog posts
74 Groups

Now, What do you hope to see in the future? What kind of function would you like add to the site? I'm sure you'll have some great suggestions! Questions? Comments? Message us and let us know!

Once again, THANK YOU! You are the reason why this site is great!

Silvia and Sam

Views: 44


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Comment by Kimberly on May 14, 2008 at 4:19pm
I second the photo interface. For some reason my home computer will not work with uploading pictures to this site, but my work computer does it just fine. Its very frustrating sometimes. I love this site-- it is soo wonderful and the people are so knowledgable and friendly!!
Comment by Geri & Sidney on May 14, 2008 at 4:08pm
I'm so glad I found you guys (I found you through your video on YouTube). I don't know what else to recommend. When I'm at work and missing my babies I come hang out here and enjoy visiting with the great folks here. Thank you!
Comment by Linda and Kaijuu Le on May 14, 2008 at 3:51pm
im still lost on how to edit pictures, especially BATCH editing (ie deleting!) i accidentally duplicated uploading from flckr ... maybe a more friendly photo editing interface? =D thanks!
Comment by Megan and Penelope on May 14, 2008 at 3:33pm
We pick up Penelope this Sunday, but I love this site! I am so happy that I have found it because I can ask pretty much anything and I always get back at least a few answers, quickly. It has been such a help so far and I don't even have my corgi just yet. I have a good breeder that I can ask things to and she gets back to me, but here I don't have to bombard her and I get other opinions and other experiences people have.

I think that the site should offer a section, not necessarily just a forum post though, that discusses what to expect looking for a corgi, info on reputable breeders, all the basics about what to look for and maybe a breeder referral section. It took me a long time to find a breeder and PWCCA was a good place to start and luckily I found some good people that were willing to help. But, I think that this would just facilitate more for people who have been a fan of corgis and need to know what having one is all about. I do like how ppl share the "problems" they have with corgis too, not so much problems that ppl can't get past, but the fact that they do bark, can be bossy, and do shed. I don't have to say anymore, this site is great, I only wish I had found it sooner!

Keep up the great work everyone!
Comment by Kitty's Corner on May 14, 2008 at 3:33pm
Hooray!!! for mycorgi.com!!! thank you Sam and Silvia for creating this great site and for providing Kitty and me the opportunity to be a part of this family!>Bethany and HK
Comment by Suresh on May 14, 2008 at 3:31pm
I would love to see a function that would highlight which forum posts are new since your last visit, and a link that would take you directly to the newest post on a thread you've already viewed. If this function exists with this set-up, I apologize and please inform me of where it is! Otherwise I think the site is great as it is.

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