I live alone, so you can probably understand why the shower curtain jumping at me would be a bit un-settling! I placed young Cheez-McQueen in his newly divider-free kennel earlier in the evening. Little did I know that the side-door to it was a bit unsecure. The shower curtain jumped at me, and I was soon met by a dog frantically yelping when it occured to him that showers are full of water. He jumped in through the curtain, got his feet wet a bit, and then ran around inside the shower because he couldnt get out. His efforts were usless, the water was everywhere! I decided let him squirm around while I finished and dried him off. The laundry-basket in my bedroom was tipped over, the socks were missing. I found them horded in his secret spot behind the couch. I bet he will never willingly jump in the shower again. What a ham.
More Cheez-news:
With the guiding advice of fellow MyCorgi.com patrons, he can finally Roll-over on the first command. I could only get the video of him doing it on the second, the camera makes him uneasy. I was excited until later in the day I protest with "Sit Cheez-it!!" and he immediately rolled over. Seems Sit and Lay sound the same as Roll-over to dogs, how do I fix that one?
Here is the video!
I should mention, the image atop is spoofed from "The Great Escape" feat. Steve McQueen. I'v never seen it, but I can imagine what it's about.
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