hello all! i just want to thank everyone that helped convince me to FINALLY neuter my corgi. He seems to be recovering well and looks much happier. anyway, i live in wonderful prescott arizona. very very dry climate and tons of rocks. its a small city and not very developed where i live. pa'ani and i love to go on a trail out by my house but recently we came across a snake. i am VERY worried that, as curious as corgis are, pa'ani will get bit. i was asking around and there is actually a vaccine that helps to prepare dogs for a snake bite. i just wanted the groups' opinion about this vaccine, if anyone has given it to their dog, if it works, side effects, etc. pa'ani is always on a short leash but you can never be too careful. thanks for all the great advice!

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Comment by Sam Tsang on June 6, 2008 at 9:39am
This sounds really interesting! Keep us updated! my dogs have seen regular snakes before, they have either walk right by them without ever knowing their presence, or chase after them and attack, so i know what you mean by keeping a short leash.
Comment by Geri & Sidney on June 6, 2008 at 2:27am
Sidney is signed up for Rattlesnake aviodance classes in July. It's probably a good idea to do this if you live in Arizona and teach him to stay away from a snake rather than getting bitten!
Comment by James on June 6, 2008 at 2:14am
We dont really have rattle snakes down here but there are wild boars a rampant where my family is from. They have preserved hides at some of the outdoor type stores down there to use in training your dog to run away from the smell. (Aligators have a strong odor). Perhaps there is something like that for rattlers?
Comment by Arang&Mark on June 6, 2008 at 1:37am
i didnt know there was a vaccine, but there are training classes that teach dogs to avoid rattlesnakes. they also use rattlesnakes without rattles because sometimes, rattlesnakes dont always rattle.

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