Our yard is like any other yard, but not in Yogi's eyes. A few huge trees in the front yard and wide open space in the back. Theres are a few flower gardens and a small vegetable garden that's completely fenced in from the wildlife that patrol at nite, but also came in handy to keep Yogi away. Each potty visit outside becomes Yogi's mischief hour. If he's not trying to eat mulch and my hostas or hide beneath the hugh japanese maple, he's probably sniffing a spot that's about the get dug.
Keep in mind this all happens every visit outside, even at 6am when I'm rushing to get ready for work. He makes sure to pee first, then after finding a suitable spot to poo, he finally goes. Actually this is the only time I have a hard time controlling him. Finding a suitable spot to poo means going over our non fenced property to the neighbors and finding the perfect spot to release. :-o Trying to confine Yogi to a particular part of the yard to go poo (pee is always the same spot) is a big issue. We do clean up but I guess he still knows this daily spots. Once the pee and poo have occured Yogi begins his sniff/dig session. Theres a particular spot beneath our oak tree that he goes religously when outside. He'll sniff, roll on his back and roll along the grass while sniffing and munching on whtever he's digging. He loves doing this over and over until I try to get him to stop and go back inside. Yes, I "try". While on leash while all this is going on, Yogi will ignore my calls to begin walking back inside. Instead he will lay flat on his stomach and if i pull he's still lay flat ignoring my pulls. If I attempt to carry him inside (when all else fails and frustration kicks in), he will run as far away from me as he can on the leash. This happens almost every day if we go to the front.
We're starting preschool in a few days and I'm definately seeking help for this sought of behavior. On a whole he is a good puppy, just once outside he switches completely.
Any on with the same issue?
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