Today we all went to Mt. Trashmore to walk. The dogs were so excited and wanted to run all over the place. It has been a boring weekend for them because we have either been out or it has been stormy. The thing I don't understand is WHY? do they have to poop 3 times EACH when we go there? Like they have been holding it in all weekend or something. There were not a lot of people there so that was fun, and Maya was scared of the water bottle we were trying to give them water from. Typical. Oh well, at least they got to expend some of their corgi energy :) They gave me a break for about an hour when we got home, but then they were back to following me around and wanting to play! I hope everyone had a great holiday weekend!

Oh yeah, does anyone else have corgis that are scared of fireworks? I have to give Maya a sedative or else she gets very scared and tries to hide and can't stop shaking. Just curious. It seems like a lot of times corgis are a little skiddish.


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Comment by Geri & Sidney on July 6, 2008 at 7:28pm
Only my elderly corgi mix was a little more clingy than usual. CHester the lab mix and Sidney the Pembroke puppy were fine. We were watching the fireworks from our balcony (and there were a few unauthorized works in our cul-de-sac - a big no-no here in SoCal!) and Sidney seemed to be wondering "why are you all standing out here on my sunning spot it the dark?". Lucky, because I was worried he was gonna freak out.
Comment by James on July 6, 2008 at 6:02pm
The fireworks made Cheez-it barky and angry.
Comment by Sarah C. on July 6, 2008 at 5:20pm
Mine are also scared of fireworks. Then again, we had a firework mishap this 4th, the first time she saw fireworks, and a shell fell over and exploded nearly in her face so... She has a good reason.
She's not gunshy though, oddly enough.

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