We got lost about 5 times and was 30 minutes late. Even worse I forgot my cell phone.

Once we were there we got greeted by Courtney (the momma of Indy, Banzai, Olive, and Mia), Beauty (5 month tri puppy), Ruby (fatest black sausage I have ever seen), Robin (Ella and Reese's mother), and Angel (a sweetheart red/white). LOL Celeste is so sweet. She told us everything about the night they were born. Courtney went into premature labor, and that's why a lot of the boy pups died. Indy, and Banzai were the lucky ones.

I got to pick up and play with Banzai. He's so tiny. I put his new collar on him for a minute. The others attacked him and tried to help him get the nasty contraption off his neck. Celeste and I figured that I had put them under enough stress so I took it off. You better get used to it buddy! The minute you come home with me it's going right back on.

He's a water baby! All Banzai wanted to do was play in the water bowl. Then he got tired and passed out at the bottom of the slide. XD Little bunny butt poking out and everything. I think I'm going to get a kiddy pool to swim in.

Indy was asleep from the moment we got there. 9_9 Katie has one lazy boy, but I think that's a good thing. At least he won't cause much trouble because he'll be asleep. He really likes sleeping on his back. I tickled his belly a lot. He's so ticklish!

My mom was obsessed with Olive. She wouldn't leave her alone. I warned Celeste to make sure that my mom's shirt wasn't squirming when we left.

Reese is a little biter. All she wanted to do was chew on everyone. Even me. I had to yelp a few times to let her know that it hurt. She loves the slide, and even slid down on Banzai a few times while he was sleeping.

Ella is pretty much just like Reese. She wanted to escape and was constantly coming over to my hands wanting me to pull her out.

Mia is just the laid back one. She didn't care either way about what was going on.

Courtney and Beauty would not leave us alone. Courtney wanted to cuddle, and would rest her head in my lap. I got video of it. Beauty was all over us wanting to play, and get attention. We gave it to her but I guess it wasn't enough. Eventually she gave up on us and went to wrestle with Celeste's two kittens.

Near the end of our visit Angel started coming around. You should see her she has the tinyest face. Its so cute. She let me love all over her. I even scratched her narrow little nose.

*happy sigh* Just think, two more weeks and we get to take them home with us.

When we got home Ryan called his family and gave them an update. He says that I am a "very good puppy picker." Apparently his sisters were the ones who picked the family dogs in the past, and all of the ones they picked were...."special."

I will TRY to get the video up on Youtube soon. I just need to figure out how my camera works. :/ Or I could just leave it up to Ryan.

...My hands still smell like the puppies. :)

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Comment by Dannielle on July 12, 2008 at 10:51am
Sounds like u had a wonderful visit. That is really great, im so happy u get to bring ur pupper home soon :o)
Comment by Reese on July 12, 2008 at 10:06am
Haha... that's so funny. We got lost once and felt like we were driving forever on the dirt roads. Reese is a biter that's for sure! I need to get a lot of chew toys and maybe some of that not biting spray for the furniture. Sorry if she hurt you... her little teeth are sharp! So glad you finally got to spend time with your little man. =)
Comment by FuzzyButt on July 12, 2008 at 7:58am
Other then getting lost it was a wonderful day.
Comment by Cindi on July 12, 2008 at 7:53am
Sounds like a wonderful day!

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