Brodey won't stop producing hair. I tell him all the time that he wouldn't be so hot if he didn't have so much hair. Stubborn. My house is covered in hair, anyone that visits is soon covered in hair. It is some what embarrassing. No matter how much I brush him, he still has more hair falling off. You would think he would go bald eventually. Well, I today I ordered a FURminator. I will let you know how it goes when it gets here. I am also thinking about getting a spinning wheel so I can make yarn out of all this hair!!! Hehehe.

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Comment by Butter on July 26, 2008 at 5:53pm
We furminate every day and vacuum 1-3 times a day and it just keeps coming out. He walks across the floor and it drops in front of us. We had no idea corgis shed like this...not sure we would have gotten one if we had known. We are through are 1st month of it and it is still continuing!!! Unbelievable.
Comment by Isabels FayeValentine & Katamari on July 17, 2008 at 4:10am
Oh, you're going to LOVE the furminator. Be sure to join the Corgi Tuft Pluckers group and take a picture of how much fur came out! It's almost fun... :)
Comment by Steve on July 16, 2008 at 10:47pm
Isn't it amazing how much these guys shed? It's been a shock at the amount of fur I find EVERYWHERE. The FURminator has been awesome. You'll still see some shedding, but it won't be as bad as pre-FURminator. You'll be surprised how much will come out!
My two boys try to eat their furminated fur...I wonder why what Brodey will do?

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