ive heard a variety of things when it come to corgis and children. everything from dont trust them with kids to they are great with kids. well mine happens to be picky about kids. there are only two kids that she has ever had any interest in, my boyfriends daughter and my friends son. my friend has a 7 yr old who absolutly adores chloe, and she is quite fond of him as well. she gets so excited everytime she see him and just wants him to do nothing but play with her. which is great, they live right across the street and he comes over almost everyday just to play with her, and there has never been a problem. the rest of the neighborhood kids however is a completly different story. ive always told the kids and their parents that its not ok for the kids to just come over and try to play with chloe when she is outside, that if they want to pet her they have to ask. not because i think she would ever intentionally harm a child, but simply because i dont want them bothering her all the time and if i'm not there i cant watch her to make sure she is behaving and they arent upsetting her in any way.
there is always one person who doesnt pay attention. one of my neighbors is really bad about just letting her kids go outside and expecting the older kids who live around us to watch them. well they of course wandered over to play with chloe and she jumped on them, scratching one of the kids. i made them go home and got onto the woman about keeping her kids away from my yard if i'm not out to supervise them playing with chloe. and as i have told her many times chloe is a herding dog, so if the kids run in the yard she will chase them and nip at them...thats just what she does, which is why i dont want them around her unsupervised.
but of course it doesnt end there. not 3 hours later the same kids are back again and this time there was another one with them. lucky for them i was outside, just about to bring chloe in. i told them to go home because i was going in. the other kid that was with them asked if she could pet chloe before they left. ok, not a big deal. i held onto chloes collar and made her sit so they could pet her. now i told them only one at a time, but they of course seem to be incapable of listening and all three were trying to pet her at once. well that made chloe uneasy and she turned around and jumped up on me to pick her up. apperently as she was turning around she stepped on one of the kids and as i was picking chloe up the little brat hit her. chloe got mad, and rightfully so, and growled at her. i got onto her instantly for that because i dont tolerate her growling for any reason, but i cant say i can really blame her for that reaction.
the kids of course ran home and told their mother that chloe was mean to them, and as kids usually do exaggerated things. so i've got this crazy woman out yelling at me about my dog when as far as im concerned my dog did nothing wrong. chloe has never growled or snapped at anybody EVER. she loves people. it doesnt really matter who you are, if you will pet her she will love you. there was just something about those kids that she didnt like, i saw her get upset and was taking her out of that situation so that she didnt do something like that and the only reason she growled then was because some little brat, who cant listen, hit her.
when chloe goes outside she is either on an enclosed deck or out on her tie-out. i shouldnt have to be worried about her everytime i put her out to use the bathroom. i should not be responsible for other peoples kids and yet is seems like i am becasue if i dont watch them like a hawk and they come into my yard, upset chloe again and she hurts one of them then thats gonna be my fault. but how am i supossed to prevent something like that from happening if niether the kids or the parents will listen. the parents should be responsible for those kids, not me. i watch a little girl who lives right next door to me regularly. chloe has never really shown any interest in playing with the little girl i watch, most of the time she just lays down and chews on her bone but i cant have her acting out because shes afraid shes gonna get hit again, i dont want her to be afraid of kids because of a little brat who cant behave.
call me crazy...but i dont really think that asking the parents to make sure the kids stay out of my yard is to much to ask, especially when i'm trying to look out for the safety of the kids.

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Comment by Laurie on August 11, 2008 at 7:53am
We live next door to a couple who never watch their kids. I have found all sorts of their toys in our fish pond, toys in our yard, etc. They come over and take our dogs' toys out of the yard, run through my garden, etc. When their mom or dad calls them they tell them to get their f******* a*** home.
Comment by Manda and Chloe on August 10, 2008 at 7:42pm
it makes me crazy what people let their kids get away with now. i'm not gonna sit here and say that i was some kind of angel when i was younger, but i at least had respect for other people and knew how to behave.
i walked out my door a little while ago and there were toys all over my front yard. i dont have kids, there should not be toys in my yard. i rounded up every kid i saw and told them if i find one more toy my yard im throwing it away.
Comment by Sam on August 10, 2008 at 3:28pm
I fear the only solid solution is to not leave her out unattended. While children should not be on your property the liability is just too big to take the chance. If someone does get bit you have animal services to deal with. Legally speaking if a dog bites the owner is responsible regardless of how the situation arises. Sounds like some of your neighbors are just waiting for the chance to point the finger.
Comment by Manda and Chloe on August 10, 2008 at 1:02pm
these kids are 7, 8 and 11 yrs old. they are definetly old enough to listen and follow simple directions. and i'm tired of trying to be nice about it. i couldnt care less about keeping the peace. my dog is my concern and i'm not going feel like i have to keep her inside to keep her safe. i should be able to let her out in her own yard when ever she feels like going out and if she had her way she would be outside all day long. it would one thing if i just allowed her to run loose, but i dont. she does not leave my deck without either her tie out or her leash on, and even she knows it. she can only go so far on that tie out, its not like she can reach everybody walking by.
all the kids were out playing this morning so when i took chloe out she stayed long enough to go potty and we came in and shes just laying here staring out the door with this sad look on her face and it just breaks my heart to have to keep her in but i cant stand to sit outside and listen to screaming children, it makes me want to pull my hair out. now dont get me wrong, i have nothing against kids, i do however have something against badly behaved kids and the parents for that matter. and these are very badly behaving kids and looking at the mother i can understand why.
i'm not the only one who has had problems with these kids, my neighbors and i should not have to disipline someone elses kids, but if that is what it takes then that is what is gonna happen. if they want to continue coming over when they are no longer welcome then they are going to be treated like they were my kids and that includes disipline.
Comment by Natalie, Lance &Tucker on August 10, 2008 at 11:37am
Hi Amanda, Unfortunately there are irresponsible parents out there and us responsibile ones have to pay the price. :( I know how frusturating that can be, because of course the irresponsible parents are the ones whose kids never get hurt! It just isnt fair how some kids can do whatever they want and the responsible parents kids are the ones getting hurt, it just seems how that is how it works most of the time. I agree with Laurie also, I would always be out there with your dog to make sure the kids arent near your dog without you. It is a pain but better that then one of the kids making your dog mad without you there. How old are the kids? Maybe when you see them in your yard you can ask them to leave, maybe eventually they will get the hint they shouldnt be there!
Comment by Laurie on August 10, 2008 at 9:21am
We recently took our corgis to the park and at one point a large group of children wanted to pet them. It concerned me that they kind of surrounded us and that sort of frightened Rosie. Her ears went back and she dropped to the ground. I walked her away from the kids telling them that they could pet Georgie, but one at a time and that they needed to not crowd around them. I told the kids that Rosie wasn't very used to kids and that she really didn't feel like being petted at that time. My husband held onto George and let a few of the kids pet him and then he told the kids that George was sleepy and needed a break. I can understand Rosie's reaction because if a bunch of people(who are a lot bigger than me) surrounded me, I would be scared too. She loves adults and kids, but I think the large number of kids frightened her. I also have a problem with the neighborhood kids coming into my yard to play with the dogs, so I now go out with them when they go outside. I talked to my neighbors whose kids always come into the yard and they said " my kids just love your dogs so much that I hate to tell them no". To keep peace in the neighborhood, I or my husband go out with them. It is kind of a pain, but it works.

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