You'll have to excuse me if I seem pissed... it's, well, because I AM. Some may agree with me, some may not, and this writing may sound harsh, but it's because I am upset and angry at the moment. Why?

Because my dog was viciously attacked yesterday by a dog that was not leashed.

Many areas have laws that state ALL dogs MUST be on a leash. These laws exists for a reason. They were not created to be a nuisance. Their purpose is to protect yourself, your dog and other people and their dogs as well. Vash and I were on our regular pre-dinner walk. We walk a similar route everyday. The route ALWAYS incorporates this same block, right up the street from our house. We have walked in front of this particular house many, many times since getting Vash. The dog that attacked Vash is ALWAYS OFF LEASH. My fiancee did point out to me, that the owners seem to get nervous whenever we walk past their house with Vash when their dog is out. I never thought anything of this. Why should I? I am just minding my own business, walking my dog. But yesterday I found out the reason for their anxious behavior. As I walked by their house, I saw the dog. Not sure what breed it is- I just know it is 3 times the size of Vash and outweighs him by at least 60+ pounds. Vash, as usual, had his nose pointed to the ground, looking for things to eat (he really enjoys cigarette butts...). The attack was completely unprovoked. My dog never made eye-contact with theirs, never even SAW it. The next thing I knew, this huge animal was on top of my dog, biting, snarling, growling. Vash screamed and yelped in pain and fear. For a second, I just stood there, I was SO shocked. After that split second though, I jumped between them screaming and yelling (and probably cussing too....) The owner ran over and yelled/grabbed at his dog. It lasted all of maybe, 7 seconds, but it was enough to cause problems. I quickly checked Vash out and he wasn't bleeding, at least that I could see. The owner of the vicious dog did ask if Vash was ok, and he did apologize...but honestly....that is not enough. My puppy could have been seriously injured physically, and mentally...who knows what role this incident will play in his psycological development...

Needless to say, I stomped off and gave him a stern warning: "Keep that thing on a leash! You're asking for a lawsuit!"

I re-checked Vash when I got home, but he was really fidgity, so it was difficult. When my finacee got home soon after, he checked him also, then we called the police. Yes, I filed a report. The officer said he would give the owners a warning to keep their animal on a leash, and if I saw that they were not complying, I should report them. Which I will. Physically, Vash seems ok. But he is VERY nervous and anxious now- he barks at everything, even common/everyday things. I hope he is ok, and does not become fearful of other animals because of this.

I just ask: please, regardless whether your dog has behavioral issues or not, keep them leashed. For your sake, AND for everyone elses'....

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Comment by S on November 3, 2008 at 4:58pm
Good golly - I can't believe that! I'm glad Vash was physically unhurt. One of my corgis was attacked by another dog (a mean little terrier) at the dog park and ever since then, he's been nervous around other dogs approaching him. We're working with training him through it, but it's been challenging.

In my old neighborhood, people use to let their dogs just run free (mostly pit bulls and pit bull mixes). Some people are just downright irresponsible. I use to have to drive my dogs out of the area to walk them because it was simply too chancey to walk around with a dog. You just never know.
Comment by Carmen on September 12, 2008 at 11:38am
I just found an article you may want to give to the owner of the attacking dog. It may make them leash that dog. It is regarding the costs of a dog bite and how it may end up bankrupting you. Read it at:

I hope Vash is doing well. He is in our thoughts.
Comment by Mei-ling-chan on September 8, 2008 at 4:33pm
I totally understand the 'but my dog is friendly' type of comment some dog owners give. My reply though is still safer for them to be ON-leash! You have so much more control over the animal. I would rather have 500 friendly dogs be forced to be on leash, then just ONE single dog with behavioral issues OFF-leash. Sigh. I took Vash to the vet- he seems ok, the vet just told me a few things to look out for. Now I have to try to get the guy to pay for the bill! I've never had to do something like this before, just hope it turns out ok and goes smoothly. It's really sad when responsible dog owners can't do everyday common things because of the unresponsible owners...ugh.

But yes- I can't wait till autumn either! Best season of all! I know Vash will love it too (he HATES the heat and humidity, and I can't blame him!) Once again, thanks to all of you guys- you make me feel alot better and have confidence that I did the right thing :D Go go corgi peoples!!
Comment by Geri & Sidney on September 6, 2008 at 6:25pm
We took a hike around a nearby lake this morning. Lots of folks were out walking their dogs. Out of about a dozen dogs we met, only ONE was on a leash! When I'd warn the kids "Dog off leash coming" the owners ALL said "oh, he's friendly". Grr....

Despite that , it was a really nice walk. Hot, though. I can't wait for autumn!
Comment by Cindi on September 6, 2008 at 6:15pm
I'm glad Vash is physically okay. Emotionally, however, he's going to be nervous and anxious around other dogs; especially the breed that attacked. You'll want to find a good play group where Vash can find his confidence again. And I hope the idiot that didn't have his dog leashed gets what's coming to him. We have a number of dogs in our area that are not leashed and it makes walking OUR dogs virtually impossible. Hugs to Vash.
Comment by Carmen on September 4, 2008 at 11:19am
Poor Vash! He may be having a little post dramatic stress. Unfortunately, he may have some issues stemming from this.

I would go to the owner of the attacking dog, tell him that you are taking your dog to the vet, and you expect him to pay the bill. What can he expect with the dog he has created? He needs to learn to keep his dog leashed. Next time, it could be a person.
Comment by Mei-ling-chan on September 4, 2008 at 10:54am
Thank you all so much for your support and kind words- it is very much appreciated!

Vash seems ok, but as Carmen suggested, I am worried he may have a cut that I can not see and with that comes possibility of infection. So I am concidering taking him to the vet just in case (she will probably put him on antibotics which we JUST finished off a prescription of because he had a rash. Poor Vash, those things made him pee like mad lol!). I suppose I could try to get the owner of the dog to pay for the bill....but I am not too sure how that would fly. His behavoir is definitely changed- he is very jumpy, barks and growls at a lot of things, or sometimes just nothing at all. He is even being a bit nasty to us also- nipping frequently and growling at me when I try to take things away from him. Sigh....we were making so much progress with Vash, and now it seems we are back at square one. All because of some irresponsible dog owner...But we are not giving up- I won't let my dog be fearful, so I am still taking him out for walks & visiting places!

Vash did meet two other dogs yesterday on our walk though! He was absolutely TERRIFIED at first (ears back, eyes wide, just looking up at me as if to say 'Mum, nononono- I don't wanna be here!"). But after some butt-sniffing and calm, assuring praise, he was good. So at least SOME of the dogs in our neighborhood are ok! What really upset me when I read all your responses, was how many of you have had the same experience! Why do so many of us know of irresponsible dog owners?? These things should NOT be happening. I encourage all of you to go RIGHT to the police- let them handle it. And keep at it if you see that nothing is changing with the owner. Please be safe and well all of you- and many thanks from me, Smacky and Vash! <3 to you all!
Comment by Mariana on September 4, 2008 at 9:44am
You're absolutely correct. Dogs should always be on a leash. If they're nice dogs, it's to protect them from running off. If they're not nice dogs, it's to protect them from hurting someone. I'm glad that Vash is okay. Make sure to socialize him well with other big dogs (if there are any you can trust), so that he doesn't lash out or cower in fear around them.
Comment by Tenley on September 3, 2008 at 11:11pm
This happens to me a lot when I walk my dogs, not always attacks, but just dogs that annoy my dog. I've even been scolded at by people at parks FOR leashing my dog! People are crazy sometimes, there's even signs all around that say, "ALL dogs MUST be leashed AT ALL TIMES" makes me so mad! I hope Vash is okay. :/
Comment by Steve on September 3, 2008 at 11:01pm
OMG! I'm glad Vash is OK. It's good you filed a police report. I bet others in your neighborhood experienced the same horrifying experience so hopefully a warning from the authority will change the owner's attitude and allow others to feel safe in their own neighborhood. No dog (especially innocent ones!) should be attacked. I hope he enjoys his walk when you go again.....

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